openapi: 3.0.1 info: title: Punchout cXML External description: "The Intershop Punchout cXML ‘External’ REST API contains the external\ \ endpoints that are called directly from external systems, such as procurement\ \ systems, to start and end a Punchout session.\n\nUnlike other Intershop REST\ \ APIs, this REST API does not use version-based content negotiation, as this\ \ is not supported by the cXML standard.\nTherefore, there is only one endpoint\ \ under the specified URL, which generates the cXML content as `text/xml` without\ \ any version information. \n\n## Accept Header\nThe accept header does not contain\ \ any version information. Just use `text/xml`, `*` or `*.*`.\n\n## Changelog\n\ - - -\n### Version 2.4.0\n* \"External\" endpoints (\"setuprequest\", \"transfer\"\ ) that do not support version-based content negotiation were moved to this REST\ \ API (\"Punchout cXML External\") without any changes in content." contact: name: Intershop Communications AG url: version: 2.4.0 servers: - url: "/INTERSHOP/rest/{serverGroup}/{siteName}/{appUrl}" description: Intershop ICM Server variables: serverGroup: description: The server group enum: - BOS - JOB - WFS default: WFS siteName: description: The site name default: inSPIRED-inTRONICS-Site appUrl: description: The application URL identifier enum: - rest - example - "-" default: rest tags: - name: General description: ' ' x-origin-class: paths: /customers/{CustomerKey}/punchouts/cxml1.2/setuprequest: post: tags: - General summary: Creates a cXML Punchout session description: |- This operation performs a Punchout setup request. I.e., it initiates a new Punchout session and returns the URL to the web shop. The URL contains an access token and a session ID (sid) that can be used to get further information about the session. This requires valid login credentials in the submitted cXML document. operationId: CXMLPunchoutSetupRequest parameters: - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The key or UUID to resolve a single item required: true schema: type: string example: ExampleKey x-item-key: requestBody: content: '*/*': schema: type: string responses: "200": description: Ok - The cXML Punchout has been successfully triggered. content: text/xml: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CXML" "401": description: Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated. "403": description: Forbidden - The user does not have the required permissions. "404": description: Not found - The customer could not be found or cXML Punchout is not supported. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: /customers/{CustomerKey}/punchouts/cxml1.2/transfer: post: tags: - General summary: Triggers the cXML Punchout basket transfer description: |- This operation triggers the transfer of the cXML Punchout basket back to the external system, such as a procurement system. The following steps are performed during this process: * An XML document (cXML Punchout format) including all line items of the basket is returned. The whole document has to be posted by the client to the procurement system. * The Punchout basket is closed and cannot be used anymore. * The Punchout workflow ends and is recorded for license purposes. To use this operation, an authenticated user with the permission "Send cXML Cart" (APP_B2B_SEND_CXML_BASKET) is required. operationId: CXMLPunchoutTransferBasket parameters: - name: sid in: query description: The ID of the cXML Punchout session schema: type: string description: The ID of the cXML Punchout session - name: CustomerKey in: path description: The key or UUID to resolve a single item required: true schema: type: string example: ExampleKey x-item-key: responses: "200": description: Ok - The cXML Punchout basket transfer has been successfully triggered. content: text/xml: schema: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CXML" "401": description: Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated. "403": description: Forbidden - The user does not have the required permissions. security: - bearerAuth: [] - basicAuth: [] - authToken: [] x-origin-method: public x-origin-class: components: schemas: AccountCurrency: type: object properties: code: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: AccountCurrency Accounting: type: object properties: segment: type: array xml: name: Segment items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Segment" accountingSegment: type: array xml: name: AccountingSegment items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountingSegment" name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true xml: name: Accounting AccountingSegment: required: - description - name type: object properties: name: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Name" description: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" id: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: AccountingSegment AdditionalCost: type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" percentage: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Percentage" xml: name: AdditionalCost AdditionalDeduction: type: object properties: deductionAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeductionAmount" deductionPercent: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeductionPercent" deductedPrice: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DeductedPrice" type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true xml: name: AdditionalDeduction Address: required: - name type: object properties: name: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Name" postalAddress: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PostalAddress" email: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Email" phone: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Phone" fax: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Fax" url: $ref: "#/components/schemas/URL" isoCountryCode: type: string xml: attribute: true addressID: type: string xml: attribute: true addressIDDomain: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Address AnnualRevenue: required: - minAmount type: object properties: minAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MinAmount" maxAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/MaxAmount" xml: name: AnnualRevenue Any: type: object properties: content: type: array items: type: object Attachment: required: - url type: object properties: url: $ref: "#/components/schemas/URL" visibility: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Attachment AttachmentReference: required: - description - internalID - name type: object properties: name: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Name" description: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" internalID: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InternalID" url: $ref: "#/components/schemas/URL" length: type: string xml: attribute: true version: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: AttachmentReference AuthResponse: required: - credential type: object properties: credential: type: array xml: name: Credential items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credential" expirationDate: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: AuthResponse CXML: type: object properties: header: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Header" message: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Message" request: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Request" response: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Response" signature: type: array xml: name: Signature namespace: items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Signature" version: type: string xml: attribute: true payloadID: type: string xml: attribute: true timestamp: type: string xml: attribute: true signatureVersion: type: string xml: attribute: true lang: type: string xml: namespace: attribute: true xml: name: cXML CanonicalizationMethod: type: object properties: content: type: string algorithm: type: string xml: name: Algorithm attribute: true xml: name: CanonicalizationMethod namespace: Characteristic: type: object properties: domain: type: string xml: attribute: true value: type: string xml: attribute: true code: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Characteristic Charge: required: - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" xml: name: Charge City: type: object properties: content: type: string cityCode: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: City Classification: type: object properties: content: type: string domain: type: string xml: attribute: true code: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Classification Comments: type: object properties: content: type: array items: type: object lang: type: string xml: namespace: attribute: true type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true xml: name: Comments Commodity: required: - classification type: object properties: classification: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Classification" xml: name: Commodity ConditionType: type: object properties: costTermValue: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CostTermValue" scales: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Scales" name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true xml: name: ConditionType ConditionTypes: required: - conditionType type: object properties: conditionType: type: array xml: name: ConditionType items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConditionType" xml: name: ConditionTypes Contact: required: - name type: object properties: name: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Name" postalAddress: type: array xml: name: PostalAddress items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PostalAddress" email: type: array xml: name: Email items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Email" phone: type: array xml: name: Phone items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Phone" fax: type: array xml: name: Fax items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Fax" url: type: array xml: name: URL items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/URL" idReference: type: array xml: name: IdReference items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IdReference" extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" role: type: string xml: attribute: true addressID: type: string xml: attribute: true addressIDDomain: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Contact Contract: required: - itemSegment - supplierID type: object properties: supplierID: type: array xml: name: SupplierID items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SupplierID" comments: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Comments" itemSegment: type: array xml: name: ItemSegment items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ItemSegment" effectiveDate: type: string xml: attribute: true expirationDate: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Contract ContractItem: required: - itemID type: object properties: itemID: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ItemID" unitPrice: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UnitPrice" extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" xml: name: ContractItem CorporateInformation: type: object properties: annualRevenue: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AnnualRevenue" stateOfIncorporation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StateOfIncorporation" ownershipType: type: array xml: name: OwnershipType items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OwnershipType" yearFounded: type: string xml: attribute: true numberOfEmployees: type: string xml: attribute: true organizationType: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: CorporateInformation Correspondent: required: - contact type: object properties: contact: type: array xml: name: Contact items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Contact" routing: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Routing" extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" preferredLanguage: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Correspondent CostTermValue: type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" percentage: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Percentage" xml: name: CostTermValue Country: type: object properties: content: type: string isoCountryCode: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Country CountryCode: type: object properties: content: type: string isoCountryCode: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: CountryCode Creator: type: object properties: content: type: string lang: type: string xml: namespace: attribute: true xml: name: Creator Credential: required: - identity type: object properties: identity: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Identity" cxmlAuthentication: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JAXBElementObject" domain: type: string xml: attribute: true type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true xml: name: Credential CxmlPayment: type: object properties: postalAddress: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PostalAddress" number: type: string xml: attribute: true expiration: type: string xml: attribute: true name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true DataResponse: required: - attachment type: object properties: attachment: type: array xml: name: Attachment items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Attachment" xml: name: DataResponse DeductedPrice: required: - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" xml: name: DeductedPrice DeductionAmount: required: - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" xml: name: DeductionAmount DeductionPercent: type: object properties: percent: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: DeductionPercent Description: type: object properties: content: type: array items: type: object lang: type: string xml: namespace: attribute: true type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true xml: name: Description DigestMethod: type: object properties: content: type: string algorithm: type: string xml: name: Algorithm attribute: true xml: name: DigestMethod namespace: Dimension: required: - unitOfMeasure type: object properties: unitOfMeasure: type: string xml: name: UnitOfMeasure quantity: type: string xml: attribute: true type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true xml: name: Dimension Distribution: required: - accounting - charge type: object properties: accounting: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Accounting" charge: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Charge" xml: name: Distribution Email: type: object properties: content: type: string name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true preferredLang: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Email ExemptReason: type: object properties: content: type: string lang: type: string xml: namespace: attribute: true xml: name: ExemptReason ExpectedLimit: required: - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" xml: name: ExpectedLimit Extrinsic: type: object properties: content: type: array items: type: object name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true Fax: type: object properties: telephoneNumber: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TelephoneNumber" url: $ref: "#/components/schemas/URL" email: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Email" name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true xml: name: Fax Format: type: object properties: content: type: string version: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Format From: required: - credential type: object properties: credential: type: array xml: name: Credential items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credential" correspondent: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Correspondent" xml: name: From GetPendingResponse: required: - cxml type: object properties: cxml: type: array xml: name: cXML items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CXML" xml: name: GetPendingResponse Header: required: - from - sender - to type: object properties: from: $ref: "#/components/schemas/From" to: $ref: "#/components/schemas/To" sender: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Sender" path: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Path" originalDocument: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OriginalDocument" xml: name: Header IdReference: type: object properties: creator: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Creator" description: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" identifier: type: string xml: attribute: true domain: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: IdReference Identity: type: object properties: content: type: array items: type: object lastChangedTimestamp: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Identity Index: required: - indexItem - supplierID type: object properties: supplierID: type: array xml: name: SupplierID items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SupplierID" comments: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Comments" searchGroup: type: array xml: name: SearchGroup items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchGroup" indexItem: type: array xml: name: IndexItem items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IndexItem" loadmode: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Index IndexItem: type: object properties: indexItemAdd: type: array xml: name: IndexItemAdd items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IndexItemAdd" indexItemDelete: type: array xml: name: IndexItemDelete items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IndexItemDelete" indexItemPunchout: type: array xml: name: IndexItemPunchout items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IndexItemPunchout" xml: name: IndexItem IndexItemAdd: required: - indexItemDetail - itemDetail - itemID type: object properties: itemID: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ItemID" itemDetail: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ItemDetail" indexItemDetail: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IndexItemDetail" xml: name: IndexItemAdd IndexItemDelete: required: - itemID type: object properties: itemID: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ItemID" xml: name: IndexItemDelete IndexItemDetail: required: - leadTime type: object properties: leadTime: type: string xml: name: LeadTime expirationDate: type: string xml: name: ExpirationDate effectiveDate: type: string xml: name: EffectiveDate searchGroupData: type: array xml: name: SearchGroupData items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchGroupData" territoryAvailable: type: array xml: name: TerritoryAvailable items: type: string xml: name: TerritoryAvailable xml: name: IndexItemDetail IndexItemPunchout: required: - itemID - punchoutDetail type: object properties: itemID: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ItemID" punchoutDetail: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PunchoutDetail" xml: name: IndexItemPunchout Industry: required: - classification type: object properties: classification: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Classification" xml: name: Industry InternalID: type: object properties: content: type: string domain: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: InternalID ItemDetail: required: - classification - description - unitOfMeasure - unitPrice type: object properties: unitPrice: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UnitPrice" description: type: array xml: name: Description items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" overallLimit: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OverallLimit" expectedLimit: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ExpectedLimit" unitOfMeasure: type: string xml: name: UnitOfMeasure priceBasisQuantity: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceBasisQuantity" classification: type: array xml: name: Classification items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Classification" manufacturerPartID: type: string xml: name: ManufacturerPartID manufacturerName: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ManufacturerName" url: $ref: "#/components/schemas/URL" leadTime: type: string xml: name: LeadTime dimension: type: array xml: name: Dimension items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Dimension" itemDetailIndustry: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ItemDetailIndustry" attachmentReference: type: array xml: name: AttachmentReference items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AttachmentReference" plannedAcceptanceDays: type: string xml: name: PlannedAcceptanceDays extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" xml: name: ItemDetail ItemDetailIndustry: type: object properties: itemDetailRetail: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ItemDetailRetail" isConfigurableMaterial: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: ItemDetailIndustry ItemDetailRetail: type: object properties: eanid: type: string xml: name: EANID europeanWasteCatalogID: type: string xml: name: EuropeanWasteCatalogID characteristic: type: array xml: name: Characteristic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Characteristic" xml: name: ItemDetailRetail ItemID: required: - supplierPartID type: object properties: supplierPartID: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SupplierPartID" supplierPartAuxiliaryID: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Any" buyerPartID: type: string xml: name: BuyerPartID idReference: type: array xml: name: IdReference items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IdReference" xml: name: ItemID ItemSegment: required: - contractItem type: object properties: contractItem: type: array xml: name: ContractItem items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ContractItem" segmentKey: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: ItemSegment JAXBElementObject: type: object properties: name: type: object properties: namespaceURI: type: string localPart: type: string prefix: type: string description: The name of an element value: type: object nil: type: boolean globalScope: type: boolean typeSubstituted: type: boolean KeyInfo: type: object properties: content: type: array items: type: object id: type: string xml: name: Id attribute: true xml: name: KeyInfo namespace: LegalName: type: object properties: content: type: string lang: type: string xml: namespace: attribute: true xml: name: LegalName ManufacturerName: type: object properties: content: type: string lang: type: string xml: namespace: attribute: true xml: name: ManufacturerName MaxAmount: required: - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" xml: name: MaxAmount Message: type: object properties: status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Status" cxmlMessages: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JAXBElementObject" deploymentMode: type: string xml: attribute: true inReplyTo: type: string xml: attribute: true id: type: string xml: name: Id attribute: true xml: name: Message MinAmount: required: - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" xml: name: MinAmount Modification: type: object properties: originalPrice: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OriginalPrice" additionalDeduction: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AdditionalDeduction" additionalCost: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AdditionalCost" tax: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Tax" modificationDetail: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ModificationDetail" level: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Modification ModificationDetail: type: object properties: description: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true code: type: string xml: attribute: true startDate: type: string xml: attribute: true endDate: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: ModificationDetail Modifications: required: - modification type: object properties: modification: type: array xml: name: Modification items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Modification" xml: name: Modifications Money: type: object properties: content: type: string currency: type: string xml: attribute: true alternateAmount: type: string xml: attribute: true alternateCurrency: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Money Municipality: type: object properties: content: type: string municipalityCode: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Municipality Name: type: object properties: content: type: string lang: type: string xml: namespace: attribute: true xml: name: Name Node: required: - credential type: object properties: credential: type: array xml: name: Credential items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credential" type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true itemDetailsRequired: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Node Option: type: object properties: content: type: string name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true adtype: type: array items: type: string xml: name: Option OrderMethod: required: - orderTarget type: object properties: orderTarget: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OrderTarget" orderProtocol: type: string xml: name: OrderProtocol xml: name: OrderMethod OrderMethods: required: - orderMethod type: object properties: orderMethod: type: array xml: name: OrderMethod items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OrderMethod" contact: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Contact" xml: name: OrderMethods OrderTarget: type: object properties: phone: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Phone" email: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Email" fax: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Fax" url: $ref: "#/components/schemas/URL" otherOrderTarget: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OtherOrderTarget" xml: name: OrderTarget Organization: required: - address - credential - name type: object properties: name: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Name" credential: type: array xml: name: Credential items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credential" organizationRole: type: array xml: name: OrganizationRole items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OrganizationRole" address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Address" corporateInformation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CorporateInformation" taxInformation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxInformation" relationshipInformation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/RelationshipInformation" description: type: array xml: name: Description items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" person: type: array xml: name: Person items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Person" industry: type: array xml: name: Industry items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Industry" commodity: type: array xml: name: Commodity items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Commodity" territory: type: array xml: name: Territory items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Territory" paymentInformation: type: array xml: name: PaymentInformation items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentInformation" extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" xml: name: Organization OrganizationDataResponse: required: - organization type: object properties: organization: type: array xml: name: Organization items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Organization" xml: name: OrganizationDataResponse OrganizationRole: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true xml: name: OrganizationRole OriginalDocument: type: object properties: payloadID: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: OriginalDocument OriginalPrice: required: - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true xml: name: OriginalPrice OtherOrderTarget: type: object properties: content: type: array items: type: object name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true xml: name: OtherOrderTarget OverallLimit: required: - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" xml: name: OverallLimit OwnershipType: type: object properties: extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true xml: name: OwnershipType Path: required: - node type: object properties: node: type: array xml: name: Node items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Node" xml: name: Path PaymentInformation: required: - paymentMethodRemittanceInformation type: object properties: paymentMethodRemittanceInformation: type: array xml: name: PaymentMethodRemittanceInformation items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentMethodRemittanceInformation" xml: name: PaymentInformation PaymentMethod: type: object properties: description: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true enum: - ACH - CASH - CHECK - CREDIT_CARD - DEBIT_CARD - DRAFT - WIRE - OTHER xml: name: PaymentMethod PaymentMethodPartner: required: - paymentMethod - paymentPartner type: object properties: paymentMethod: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentMethod" paymentPartner: type: array xml: name: PaymentPartner items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentPartner" xml: name: PaymentMethodPartner PaymentMethodRemittanceInformation: required: - contact type: object properties: contact: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Contact" paymentMethod: type: array xml: name: PaymentMethod items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentMethod" paymentMethodPartner: type: array xml: name: PaymentMethodPartner items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentMethodPartner" isDefault: type: string xml: attribute: true preferredPaymentMethod: type: string xml: attribute: true enum: - ACH - CASH - CHECK - CREDIT_CARD - DEBIT_CARD - DRAFT - WIRE - OTHER xml: name: PaymentMethodRemittanceInformation PaymentPartner: required: - contact type: object properties: contact: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Contact" idReference: type: array xml: name: IdReference items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IdReference" natureOfBusiness: type: string xml: name: NatureOfBusiness incorporationType: type: string xml: name: IncorporationType accountCurrency: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AccountCurrency" pcard: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CxmlPayment" xml: name: PaymentPartner PaymentProviderInformation: required: - paymentMethod type: object properties: description: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" paymentMethod: type: array xml: name: PaymentMethod items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentMethod" extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" paymentProviderID: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: PaymentProviderInformation PaymentRelationshipInformation: required: - paymentProviderInformation type: object properties: paymentProviderInformation: type: array xml: name: PaymentProviderInformation items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentProviderInformation" extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" xml: name: PaymentRelationshipInformation Percentage: type: object properties: percent: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Percentage Person: required: - contact - personRole type: object properties: contact: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Contact" personRole: type: array xml: name: PersonRole items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PersonRole" idReference: type: array xml: name: IdReference items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/IdReference" extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" xml: name: Person PersonRole: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true xml: name: PersonRole Phone: required: - telephoneNumber type: object properties: telephoneNumber: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TelephoneNumber" name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true xml: name: Phone PostalAddress: required: - city - country - street type: object properties: deliverTo: type: array xml: name: DeliverTo items: type: string xml: name: DeliverTo street: type: array xml: name: Street items: type: string xml: name: Street city: $ref: "#/components/schemas/City" municipality: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Municipality" state: $ref: "#/components/schemas/State" postalCode: type: string xml: name: PostalCode country: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Country" extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true xml: name: PostalAddress PriceBasisQuantity: required: - unitOfMeasure type: object properties: unitOfMeasure: type: string xml: name: UnitOfMeasure description: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" quantity: type: string xml: attribute: true conversionFactor: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: PriceBasisQuantity ProfileResponse: required: - transaction type: object properties: option: type: array xml: name: Option items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Option" transaction: type: array xml: name: Transaction items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Transaction" effectiveDate: type: string xml: attribute: true lastRefresh: type: string xml: attribute: true adtype: type: array items: type: string xml: name: ProfileResponse PunchoutDetail: required: - classification - description - url type: object properties: description: type: array xml: name: Description items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" url: $ref: "#/components/schemas/URL" classification: type: array xml: name: Classification items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Classification" unitPrice: $ref: "#/components/schemas/UnitPrice" unitOfMeasure: type: string xml: name: UnitOfMeasure priceBasisQuantity: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PriceBasisQuantity" manufacturerName: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ManufacturerName" manufacturerPartID: type: string xml: name: ManufacturerPartID leadTime: type: string xml: name: LeadTime expirationDate: type: string xml: name: ExpirationDate effectiveDate: type: string xml: name: EffectiveDate searchGroupData: type: array xml: name: SearchGroupData items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchGroupData" territoryAvailable: type: array xml: name: TerritoryAvailable items: type: string xml: name: TerritoryAvailable extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" punchoutLevel: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: PunchoutDetail Reference: required: - digestMethod - digestValue type: object properties: transforms: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Transforms" digestMethod: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DigestMethod" digestValue: type: string xml: name: DigestValue id: type: string xml: name: Id attribute: true uri: type: string xml: name: URI attribute: true type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: name: Type attribute: true xml: name: Reference namespace: RelationshipInformation: type: object properties: paymentRelationshipInformation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/PaymentRelationshipInformation" xml: name: RelationshipInformation Request: type: object properties: cxmlRequests: $ref: "#/components/schemas/JAXBElementObject" deploymentMode: type: string xml: attribute: true id: type: string xml: name: Id attribute: true xml: name: Request Response: type: object properties: status: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Status" profileResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ProfileResponse" punchOutSetupResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StartPageElement" providerSetupResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StartPageElement" getPendingResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/GetPendingResponse" subscriptionListResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionListResponse" subscriptionContentResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionContentResponse" supplierListResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SupplierListResponse" supplierDataResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SupplierDataResponse" authResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/AuthResponse" dataResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/DataResponse" organizationDataResponse: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OrganizationDataResponse" id: type: string xml: name: Id attribute: true xml: name: Response Routing: type: object properties: destination: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Routing Scale: required: - costTermValue type: object properties: costTermValue: type: array xml: name: CostTermValue items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CostTermValue" from: type: string xml: attribute: true to: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Scale Scales: required: - scale type: object properties: scale: type: array xml: name: Scale items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Scale" scaleType: type: string xml: attribute: true scaleBasis: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Scales SearchAttribute: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true xml: name: SearchAttribute SearchDataElement: type: object properties: name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true value: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: SearchDataElement SearchGroup: required: - name - searchAttribute type: object properties: name: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Name" searchAttribute: type: array xml: name: SearchAttribute items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchAttribute" xml: name: SearchGroup SearchGroupData: required: - name type: object properties: name: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Name" searchDataElement: type: array xml: name: SearchDataElement items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SearchDataElement" xml: name: SearchGroupData Segment: type: object properties: type: type: string description: 'The type of the element. This is normally a **constant** that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. ' xml: attribute: true id: type: string xml: attribute: true description: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Segment Sender: required: - credential - userAgent type: object properties: credential: type: array xml: name: Credential items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credential" userAgent: type: string xml: name: UserAgent xml: name: Sender Signature: required: - signatureValue - signedInfo type: object properties: signedInfo: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SignedInfo" signatureValue: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SignatureValue" keyInfo: $ref: "#/components/schemas/KeyInfo" object: type: array xml: name: Object items: type: object xml: name: Object id: type: string xml: name: Id attribute: true xml: name: Signature namespace: SignatureMethod: type: object properties: content: type: array items: type: object algorithm: type: string xml: name: Algorithm attribute: true xml: name: SignatureMethod namespace: SignatureValue: type: object properties: content: type: string id: type: string xml: name: Id attribute: true xml: name: SignatureValue namespace: SignedInfo: required: - canonicalizationMethod - reference - signatureMethod type: object properties: canonicalizationMethod: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CanonicalizationMethod" signatureMethod: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SignatureMethod" reference: type: array xml: name: Reference items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Reference" id: type: string xml: name: Id attribute: true xml: name: SignedInfo namespace: StartPage: required: - url type: object properties: url: $ref: "#/components/schemas/URL" xml: name: StartPage StartPageElement: required: - startPage type: object properties: startPage: $ref: "#/components/schemas/StartPage" State: type: object properties: content: type: string isoStateCode: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: State StateOfIncorporation: required: - state type: object properties: state: $ref: "#/components/schemas/State" xml: name: StateOfIncorporation Status: type: object properties: content: type: string code: type: string xml: attribute: true text: type: string xml: attribute: true lang: type: string xml: namespace: attribute: true xml: name: Status Subscription: required: - changetime - internalID - name - supplierID type: object properties: internalID: $ref: "#/components/schemas/InternalID" subscriptionVersion: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionVersion" name: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Name" changetime: type: string xml: name: Changetime supplierID: type: array xml: name: SupplierID items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SupplierID" format: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Format" description: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" xml: name: Subscription SubscriptionContent: type: object properties: index: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Index" contract: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Contract" filename: type: string xml: attribute: true cifcontent: type: string xml: name: SubscriptionContent SubscriptionContentResponse: required: - subscription - subscriptionContent type: object properties: subscription: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Subscription" subscriptionContent: type: array xml: name: SubscriptionContent items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SubscriptionContent" xml: name: SubscriptionContentResponse SubscriptionListResponse: required: - subscription type: object properties: subscription: type: array xml: name: Subscription items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Subscription" xml: name: SubscriptionListResponse SubscriptionVersion: type: object properties: versionNumber: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: SubscriptionVersion Supplier: required: - name - supplierID type: object properties: name: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Name" comments: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Comments" supplierID: type: array xml: name: SupplierID items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SupplierID" supplierLocation: type: array xml: name: SupplierLocation items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/SupplierLocation" corporateURL: type: string xml: attribute: true storeFrontURL: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: Supplier SupplierDataResponse: required: - supplier type: object properties: supplier: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Supplier" xml: name: SupplierDataResponse SupplierID: type: object properties: content: type: string domain: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: SupplierID SupplierListResponse: required: - supplier type: object properties: supplier: type: array xml: name: Supplier items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Supplier" xml: name: SupplierListResponse SupplierLocation: required: - address - orderMethods type: object properties: address: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Address" orderMethods: $ref: "#/components/schemas/OrderMethods" xml: name: SupplierLocation SupplierPartID: type: object properties: content: type: string revisionID: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: SupplierPartID Tax: required: - description - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" taxAdjustmentAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxAdjustmentAmount" description: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" taxDetail: type: array xml: name: TaxDetail items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxDetail" distribution: type: array xml: name: Distribution items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Distribution" extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" xml: name: Tax TaxAdjustmentAmount: required: - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" xml: name: TaxAdjustmentAmount TaxAmount: required: - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" xml: name: TaxAmount TaxDetail: required: - taxAmount type: object properties: taxableAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxableAmount" taxAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxAmount" taxLocation: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxLocation" taxAdjustmentAmount: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxAdjustmentAmount" description: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Description" triangularTransactionLawReference: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TriangularTransactionLawReference" taxRegime: type: string xml: name: TaxRegime taxExemption: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxExemption" extrinsic: type: array xml: name: Extrinsic items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Extrinsic" taxedElement: type: object purpose: type: string xml: attribute: true category: type: string xml: attribute: true percentageRate: type: string xml: attribute: true isVatRecoverable: type: string xml: attribute: true taxPointDate: type: string xml: attribute: true paymentDate: type: string xml: attribute: true isTriangularTransaction: type: string xml: attribute: true exemptDetail: type: string xml: attribute: true isWithholdingTax: type: string xml: attribute: true taxRateType: type: string xml: attribute: true basePercentageRate: type: string xml: attribute: true isIncludedInPrice: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: TaxDetail TaxExemption: type: object properties: exemptReason: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ExemptReason" exemptCode: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: TaxExemption TaxID: type: object properties: content: type: string domain: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: TaxID TaxInformation: type: object properties: legalName: $ref: "#/components/schemas/LegalName" taxID: type: array xml: name: TaxID items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/TaxID" isExemptFromBackupWithholding: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: TaxInformation TaxLocation: type: object properties: content: type: string lang: type: string xml: namespace: attribute: true xml: name: TaxLocation TaxableAmount: required: - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" xml: name: TaxableAmount TelephoneNumber: required: - areaOrCityCode - countryCode - number type: object properties: countryCode: $ref: "#/components/schemas/CountryCode" areaOrCityCode: type: string xml: name: AreaOrCityCode number: type: string xml: name: Number extension: type: string xml: name: Extension xml: name: TelephoneNumber Territory: required: - classification type: object properties: classification: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Classification" xml: name: Territory To: required: - credential type: object properties: credential: type: array xml: name: Credential items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Credential" correspondent: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Correspondent" xml: name: To Transaction: required: - url type: object properties: url: $ref: "#/components/schemas/URL" option: type: array xml: name: Option items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Option" requestName: type: string xml: attribute: true adtype: type: array items: type: string xml: name: Transaction Transform: type: object properties: content: type: array items: type: object algorithm: type: string xml: name: Algorithm attribute: true xml: name: Transform namespace: Transforms: required: - transform type: object properties: transform: type: array xml: name: Transform items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Transform" xml: name: Transforms namespace: TriangularTransactionLawReference: type: object properties: content: type: string lang: type: string xml: namespace: attribute: true xml: name: TriangularTransactionLawReference URL: type: object properties: content: type: string name: type: string description: The name of an element xml: attribute: true xml: name: URL UnitPrice: required: - money type: object properties: money: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Money" modifications: $ref: "#/components/schemas/Modifications" pricingConditions: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ValidityPeriodsElement" xml: name: UnitPrice ValidityPeriod: required: - conditionTypes type: object properties: conditionTypes: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ConditionTypes" from: type: string xml: attribute: true to: type: string xml: attribute: true xml: name: ValidityPeriod ValidityPeriods: required: - validityPeriod type: object properties: validityPeriod: type: array xml: name: ValidityPeriod items: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ValidityPeriod" xml: name: ValidityPeriods ValidityPeriodsElement: required: - validityPeriods type: object properties: validityPeriods: $ref: "#/components/schemas/ValidityPeriods" responses: "200": description: OK "201": description: Created "202": description: Accepted "204": description: No Content "205": description: Reset Content "206": description: Partial Content "300": description: Multiple Choices "301": description: Moved Permanently "302": description: Found "303": description: See Other "304": description: Not Modified "305": description: Use Proxy "307": description: Temporary Redirect "308": description: Permanent Redirect "400": description: Bad Request "401": description: Unauthorized "402": description: Payment Required "403": description: Forbidden "404": description: Not Found "405": description: Method Not Allowed "406": description: Not Acceptable "407": description: Proxy Authentication Required "408": description: Request Timeout "409": description: Conflict "410": description: Gone "411": description: Length Required "412": description: Precondition Failed "413": description: Request Entity Too Large "414": description: Request-URI Too Long "415": description: Unsupported Media Type "416": description: Requested Range Not Satisfiable "417": description: Expectation Failed "428": description: Precondition Required "429": description: Too Many Requests "431": description: Request Header Fields Too Large "451": description: Unavailable For Legal Reasons "500": description: Internal Server Error "501": description: Not Implemented "502": description: Bad Gateway "503": description: Service Unavailable "504": description: Gateway Timeout "505": description: HTTP Version Not Supported "511": description: Network Authentication Required parameters: loc: name: loc in: path description: "The locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ```;loc=```).\ \ If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter,\ \ user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend\ \ on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA\ \ language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using an\ \ underscore, e.g., ```en_US```." required: false style: matrix schema: type: string description: "The locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ```;loc=```).\ \ If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter,\ \ user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend\ \ on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA\ \ language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using\ \ an underscore, e.g., ```en_US```." default: en_US examples: en_US: description: English (United States) value: en_US fr_FR: description: French (France) value: fr_FR de_DE: description: German (Germany) value: de_DE x-matrixParamPath: / cur: name: cur in: path description: "The currency code (submitted as optional matrix parameter ```;cur=```).\ \ If omitted, the site's or user's default currency is used." required: false style: matrix schema: type: string description: "The currency code (submitted as optional matrix parameter ```;cur=```).\ \ If omitted, the site's or user's default currency is used." default: USD examples: FJD: description: Fiji Dollar value: FJD MXN: description: Mexican Peso value: MXN STD: description: São Tomé / Príncipe Dobra value: STD LVL: description: Latvian Lats value: LVL SCR: description: Seychelles Rupee value: SCR CDF: description: Congolese Franc value: CDF BBD: description: Barbados Dollar value: BBD GTQ: description: Guatemalan Quetzal value: GTQ CLP: description: Chilean Peso value: CLP HNL: description: Honduran Lempira value: HNL UGX: description: Ugandan Shilling value: UGX ZAR: description: South African Rand value: ZAR TND: description: Tunisian Dinar value: TND BSD: description: Bahamian Dollar value: BSD SLL: description: Sierra Leonean Leone value: SLL SDG: description: Sudanese Pound value: SDG IQD: description: Iraqi Dinar value: IQD CUP: description: Cuban Peso value: CUP GMD: description: Gambian Dalasi value: GMD TWD: description: New Taiwan Dollar value: TWD RSD: description: Serbian Dinar value: RSD ZRZ: description: Zaire value: ZRZ DOP: description: Dominican Peso value: DOP KMF: description: Comoro Franc value: KMF MYR: description: Malaysian Ringgit value: MYR FKP: description: Falkland Islands Pound value: FKP XOF: description: CFA Franc BCEAO value: XOF GEL: description: Lari value: GEL UYU: description: Uruguayan Peso value: UYU MAD: description: Moroccan Dirham value: MAD CVE: description: Cape Verde Escudo value: CVE TOP: description: Tongan Pa'anga value: TOP AZN: description: Azerbaijanian Manat value: AZN OMR: description: Omani Rial value: OMR PGK: description: Papua New Guinean Kina value: PGK KES: description: Kenyan Shilling value: KES SEK: description: Swedish Krona value: SEK BTN: description: Ngultrum value: BTN UAH: description: Ukrainian Hryvnia value: UAH GNF: description: Guinea Franc value: GNF ERN: description: Nakfa value: ERN MZN: description: Mozambican Metical value: MZN SVC: description: Salvadoran Colón value: SVC ARS: description: Argentine Peso value: ARS QAR: description: Qatari Riyal value: QAR IRR: description: Iranian Rial value: IRR NLG: description: Dutch Guilder value: NLG MRO: description: Mauritanian Ouguiya value: MRO CNY: description: Yuan Renminbi value: CNY THB: description: Thai Baht value: THB UZS: description: Uzbekistani Som value: UZS XPF: description: CFP Franc value: XPF BDT: description: Bangladeshi Taka value: BDT LYD: description: Libyan Dinar value: LYD BMD: description: Bermudian Dollar value: BMD KWD: description: Kuwaiti Dinar value: KWD PHP: description: Philippine Peso value: PHP RUB: description: Russian Ruble value: RUB PYG: description: Paraguayan Guarani value: PYG ISK: description: Iceland Krona value: ISK JMD: description: Jamaican Dollar value: JMD GWP: description: Guinea Peso value: GWP BEF: description: Belgian Franc value: BEF ESP: description: Spanish Peseta value: ESP COP: description: Colombian Peso value: COP MKD: description: Denar value: MKD USD: description: US Dollar value: USD DZD: description: Algerian Dinar value: DZD PAB: description: Panamanian Balboa value: PAB SGD: description: Singapore Dollar value: SGD ETB: description: Ethiopian Birr value: ETB KGS: description: Som value: KGS SOS: description: Somali Shilling value: SOS VEF: description: Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte value: VEF VUV: description: Vanuatu Vatu value: VUV LAK: description: Lao Kip value: LAK BND: description: Brunei Dollar value: BND ZMK: description: Zambian Kwacha value: ZMK XAF: description: CFA Franc BEAC value: XAF LRD: description: Liberian Dollar value: LRD ATS: description: Austrian Schilling value: ATS CHF: description: Swiss Franc value: CHF HRK: description: Croatian Kuna value: HRK ITL: description: Italian Lira value: ITL ALL: description: Albanian Lek value: ALL DJF: description: Djibouti Franc value: DJF MTL: description: Maltese Lira value: MTL TZS: description: Tanzanian Shilling value: TZS VND: description: Vietnamese Dong value: VND AUD: description: Australian Dollar value: AUD ILS: description: New Israeli Sheqel value: ILS GHS: description: Ghanaian Cedi value: GHS GYD: description: Guyanese Dollar value: GYD KPW: description: North Korean Won value: KPW BOB: description: Boliviano value: BOB KHR: description: Cambodian Riel value: KHR MDL: description: Moldovan Leu value: MDL IDR: description: Indonesian Rupiah value: IDR KYD: description: Cayman Islands Dollar value: KYD AMD: description: Armenian Dram value: AMD BWP: description: Botswana Pula value: BWP SHP: description: Saint Helena Pound value: SHP TRY: description: Turkish Lira value: TRY CYP: description: Cyprus Pound value: CYP LBP: description: Lebanese Pound value: LBP TJS: description: Tajikistani Somoni value: TJS JOD: description: Jordanian Dinar value: JOD AED: description: United Arab Emirates Dirham value: AED HKD: description: Hong Kong Dollar value: HKD RWF: description: Rwanda Franc value: RWF EUR: description: Euro value: EUR LSL: description: Lesotho Loti value: LSL DKK: description: Danish Krone value: DKK CAD: description: Canadian Dollar value: CAD BGN: description: Bulgarian Lev value: BGN EEK: description: Estonian Kroon value: EEK MMK: description: Kyat value: MMK MUR: description: Mauritian Rupee value: MUR NOK: description: Norwegian Krone value: NOK SYP: description: Syrian Pound value: SYP ZWL: description: Zimbabwean Dollar value: ZWL GIP: description: Gibraltar Pound value: GIP RON: description: Romanian New Leu value: RON LKR: description: Sri Lankan Rupee value: LKR NGN: description: Nigerian Naira value: NGN CRC: description: Costa Rican Colon value: CRC CZK: description: Czech Koruna value: CZK IEP: description: Irish Pound value: IEP PKR: description: Pakistani Rupee value: PKR GRD: description: Greek Drachma value: GRD XCD: description: East Carribean Dollar value: XCD ANG: description: Netherlands Antillian Guilder value: ANG HTG: description: Haitian Gourde value: HTG BHD: description: Bahraini Dinar value: BHD SIT: description: Slovenian Tolar value: SIT PTE: description: Portuguese Escudo value: PTE BPP: description: Bonus Point Price value: BPP KZT: description: Kazakhstani Tenge value: KZT SRD: description: Surinam Dollar value: SRD SZL: description: Swazi Lilangeni value: SZL LTL: description: Lithuanian Litas value: LTL SAR: description: Saudi Riyal value: SAR TTD: description: Trinidad and Tobago Dollar value: TTD YER: description: Yemeni Rial value: YER MVR: description: Maldivian Rufiyaa value: MVR AFN: description: Afghani value: AFN BPV: description: Bonus Point Value value: BPV INR: description: Indian Rupee value: INR AWG: description: Aruban Florin value: AWG KRW: description: South Korean Won value: KRW NPR: description: Nepalese Rupee value: NPR JPY: description: Japanese Yen value: JPY MNT: description: Mongolian Tugrik value: MNT AOA: description: Angolan Kwanza value: AOA PLN: description: Polish Złoty value: PLN GBP: description: Pound Sterling value: GBP SBD: description: Solomon Islands Dollar value: SBD HUF: description: Hungarian Forint value: HUF BYR: description: Belarussian Ruble value: BYR LUF: description: Luxembourgian Franc value: LUF BIF: description: Burundi Franc value: BIF MWK: description: Malawian Kwacha value: MWK MGA: description: Malagasy Ariary value: MGA FIM: description: Finnish Mark value: FIM BZD: description: Belize Dollar value: BZD DEM: description: Deutsche Mark value: DEM BAM: description: Convertible Marks value: BAM EGP: description: Egyptian Pound value: EGP MOP: description: Macanese Pataca value: MOP NAD: description: Namibian Dollar value: NAD SKK: description: Slovakian Krona value: SKK NIO: description: Cordoba Oro value: NIO PEN: description: Peruvian Nuevo Sol value: PEN NZD: description: New Zealand Dollar value: NZD WST: description: Samoan Tala value: WST TMT: description: Turkmenistani Manat value: TMT FRF: description: French Franc value: FRF BRL: description: Brazilian Real value: BRL x-matrixParamPath: / regionals: name: regionals in: path required: false style: matrix schema: type: object properties: loc: type: string description: The locale ID example: en_US cur: type: string description: The currency code example: EUR x-matrixParamPath: / pgid: name: pgid in: path description: "The personalization group identifier, submitted as matrix parameter\ \ ```;pgid=```. Required if you want to work with customer-specific\ \ content." required: false style: matrix schema: type: string description: "The personalization group identifier, submitted as matrix parameter\ \ ```;pgid=```. Required if you want to work with customer-specific\ \ content." example: FUOGrzQ_VjORpGaN8DRGmLLE0000 example: FUOGrzQ_VjORpGaN8DRGmLLE0000 spgid: name: spgid in: path description: "The secure personalization group identifier, submitted as matrix\ \ parameter ```;spgid=```. Required if you want to work with customer-specific\ \ content." required: false style: matrix schema: type: string description: "The secure personalization group identifier, submitted as matrix\ \ parameter ```;spgid=```. Required if you want to work with customer-specific\ \ content." example: FUOGrzQ_VjORpGaN8DRGmLLE0000 example: FUOGrzQ_VjORpGaN8DRGmLLE0000 securitySchemes: basicAuth: type: http description: "Basic access authentication. In basic authentication, a request\ \ contains a header field in the form of authorization: ```Basic ```,\ \ where credentials is the Base64 encoding of ID and password joined by a\ \ single colon :." scheme: basic authToken: type: apiKey description: User authentication token to authenticate the request. The token is a string generated by the ICM server in the same header in every response of an REST endpoint. name: authentication-token in: header bearerAuth: type: http description: "Bearer token authentication. A request contains a header field\ \ in the form of authorization: ```Bearer ```, where is a string\ \ generated by an authentication service in response to a login request." scheme: bearer bearerFormat: JWT x-apiID: punchout_cxml_external_v2 x-origin-class: ",,"