3E0825 • 05-Mar-2025 • Overviews • Intershop Progressive Web App
Developers Getting Started Architecture Concept - Software Architecture Concept - Project Structure Concept - State Management Guide - State Management Guide - Product Context Concept - CMS Integration Concept - Configuration Guide - Propagating Environment Variables Concept - Localization Concept -
30824Q • 26-Nov-2021 • Guidelines • Intershop Progressive Web App
Thank you for your interest in the Intershop PWA project. We look forward for any kind of contribution. Code of Conduct We have adopted the Contributor Covenants Code of Conduct and we expect project participants to adhere to it. Please read and follow our Code of Conduct. Non-Code Contributions You
3C0823 • 16-Jun-2023 • Guidelines • Intershop Progressive Web App
This document describes the main authentication mechanism if the ICM server is used as identity provider. If you need an introduction to this topic, read the Authentication Concept first. Login If the user wants to login by clicking a login link or navigating to the /login route, either a popup or a
3L0822 • 22-Dec-2022 • Guidelines • Intershop Progressive Web App
Intershop Commerce Management supports logging in clients via SSO (see Concept - Single Sign-On (SSO)). The PWA uses the library angular-oauth2-oidc to support an easy configuration for providing access to identity providers. After setting up the ICM side with the identity provider, an implementation
3A0821 • 13-Mar-2023 • Guidelines • Intershop Progressive Web App
If the ICM is set up with URL Rewriting, further modifications are required to run the deployment with the Hybrid Approach. The examples in this guide follow the default example for ICM URL rewriting. In particular we want to focus on the following two examples: Product Detail Pages of the ICM URLs are
V30820 • 13-Oct-2022 • Concepts • Intershop Progressive Web App
In order to be a Progressive Web Application, the Intershop PWA implements some advanced concepts matching those criteria. Web App Manifest The Web App Manifest enables the PWA to be installable on home screens of mobile devices. The application is easily accessible via a generated link and branding
30D819 • 21-Dec-2023 • Guidelines • Intershop Progressive Web App
The data models for server-side and client-side have to be separated, because the data sent by the server may change over iterations or may not be in the right format, while the client side shop data handling should be stable for a long time. Therefore, each service communicating with the Intershop REST
308V18 • 25-Apr-2023 • Concepts • Intershop Progressive Web App
Server-Side Rendering (SSR) The express.js image serving the Angular Universal Server-Side Rendering can be provisioned to log extended information to the console by supplying the environment variable LOGGING=true . Information logged to the console includes the following: Requests to the SSR process
30817Y • 07-Feb-2022 • Guidelines • Intershop Progressive Web App
To enable Store Locator, add storeLocator to the feature list in your environment file. This will enable a page where users can search for stores based on a country, city and/or postal code. Store Locator provides an optional Google Maps integration using the Google Maps JavaScript API. This feature
30815Y • 20-Mar-2024 • Guidelines • Intershop Progressive Web App
To enable user tracking and setting it up with Google Tag Manager, the popular library Angulartics2 is used. Note The standard Intershop PWA Google Tag Manager integration is very basic and currently only supports the tracking of route changes. Please refer to the angulartics2 documentation for information