AWI-98416 • 13-Sep-2024 • Bug
Description During the execution of REST tests the published AS log contains an IAE: {"@timestamp":"2024-07-16T19:12:51.89Z","@version":"1","message":"Server failed do handle the current REST request","logger_name":"","thread_name"
AWI-98411 • 23-Aug-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description Corrupt Parameter binding in ProcessReplicationGroupAssignment_52 extension point ReplicationGroupExtension Dom Message: "Parameter Dom cannot be resolved. The binding might be irrelevant. You should either rename or remove this binding." hotfix_required null Bug null Verified Closed TRUMPF
AWI-98413 • 08-Aug-2024 • Bug
Description If a default address is set, shortly after the normal page is displayed with this address selected. If no default address can be set to the cart (automatically by the cart creation?), the page persists Steps to Repeat Steps to repeat - PWA 5.1.0: Add an article to the basket Proceed to checkout
AWI-98333 • 13-Sep-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description When using an isslotiterator, content which is currently not shown when the component is rendered will not be considured for cache time calculation. Steps to Repeat Login to the BO and go to the b2c application of the inTRONICS channel In the preferences ensure that the page caching is active
3125C4 • 09-Aug-2024 • Release Notes • Intershop Studio
Introduction Releases Introduction These Intershop Studio versions are based on Eclipse 2024-06 (4.32.0), see Eclipse 2024-06 - New and Noteworthy. The newest version can be downloaded from the artifact repository:
AWI-98317 • 13-Sep-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The method "getPageletEntryPointByID" of the "PageletEntryPointMgrImpl" can return "null" if the PageletEntryPoint for the Domain was not found. This causes a NPE at line 88 inside the "CreateContentBreadcrumbs"-Pipelet. It would be great if this NPE was caught and a way to react to this
AWI-98313 • 07-Nov-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description CVE-2022-45693 vulnerability with Score High in the webadapter agent libs. "The library `org.codehaus.jettison:jettison` version `1.4.0` was detected in `Maven library manager` located at `/opt/intershop/eserver1/local/webadapter/lib/jettison-1
AWI-98308 • 26-Sep-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The customer tries to get all product variations via ICM REST API call but the following error "Not Found (PageableIterator for pageableID 'IFIKAQMFlakAAAGQ8g1k5gYh' not found)" with a 404 response code will be thrown. In case of a that the ICM is not able to determine the PageableID a new
AWI-98262 • 18-Sep-2024 • Bug • Intershop Order Management
Description Creating a manual credit note for a charge fails in certain scenarios (see steps to repeat). Steps to Repeat Prerequisites: Invoice creation is configured. Invoices are created per dispatch. Shipping costs should be invoiced as soon as at least one item is shipped. Create an order with multiple
AWI-98243 • 13-Sep-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The description in the BO for IG_NewUsers customer segment is not 100% correct. All registered customers before they place their second order. Upon registration, customers are automatically assigned to the group \"New Customers\". Once registered customers have placed their first order, return
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