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EOL Announcements
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End of Life Announcement for Enfinity 1.x

After July 1, 2002 Intershop will no longer sell Enfinity 1.x or associated cartridges to new customers or allow its partners to order or resell this version in the Intershop product portfolio. This article presents a list of frequently asked questions concerning the End of Life phase Intershop Enfinity entered July 1, 2002.

What is happening to Enfinity 1.x?

Intershop is discontinuing Enfinity 1.x and related cartridges, primarily because of its strong newer versions addressing the same and more customer needs. This is called an End of Life for the Enfinity 1.x product, effective July 1, 2002.

When will this take effect?

As of close of business July 1, 2002, Intershop will no longer sell Enfinity 1.x. Intershop will continue support of Enfinity 1.x and associated cartridges until June 30, 2004.

How do I upgrade? What will it cost?

All purchases of Enfinity 1.x made within the last 60 days will be upgraded free of charge to Enfinity 2.2. This upgrade must be requested before August 2, 2002. Customers that have purchased a Support Contract with an upgrade option can upgrade to Enfinity 2.2 according to the terms detailed in the Support Contract. All other customers will have the option of paying a discounted rate to upgrade to Enfinity 2.2.

In order to transition from Enfinity 1.x to Enfinity 2.2, Intershop Services offers a migration package. For detailed information please contact your sales representative.

What dates do I need to remember?

These are the deadlines for Enfinity 1.x End of Life

  • Discontinuation of new sales of Enfinity 1.x - July 1, 2002
  • Deadline for free upgrade for recent purchasers of Enfinity 1.x - August 2, 2002
  • Deadline for purchase of additional application server(s) - June 30, 2003
  • Last day for renewing or opening an Enfinity 1.x Support Contract - July 1, 2003
  • End of support for Enfinity 1.x - June 30, 2004

Will Intershop still support Enfinity 1.x installations?

Intershop will continue to support existing contracts for support of Enfinity 1.x until June 30, 2004. The last possible date to open a new Enfinity 1.x Support Contract will be July 1, 2003.

Who do I contact for more information?

Your sales representative.

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