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  • ICM 7.10
  • ICM 11
  • ICM 12
Concept - Order Submission Framework


Order Submission is a special form of the order export where the data is sent in JSON format to a configurable external service.

One usage is the export of orders to the BI Data Hub.


General Workflow of Order Submission

The order submission consists of the following steps (see diagram above):

  1. The order export process is triggered by an external entity. This can either be a customer that creates an order (in case an immediate export is configured), or a scheduled job that periodically exports recent orders.
  2. ICM looks up the configured export service and sends the OrderBO to the service.
  3. The OrderBO is transformed into an OrderRO that can be parsed by the microservice/backend's REST API.
  4. The OrderRO is transferred to the microservice/backend.
  5. An immediate answer (Accepted) is returned from the microservice/backend to the managed service. At the same time, an asynchronous process is triggered that further processes the order data (e.g., export to the backend in case of a microservice), see 8.
  6. The managed service notifies ICM that the order submission has been started. This may trigger additional actions (e.g., change order status) on the ICM side depending on the export configuration.
  7. A response is returned to the caller.
  8. The order data is further processed by the service it was submitted to.
  9. After all the data has been submitted, a message is sent back to a REST resource in ICM stating whether the order was successfully exported. The resource resides in the callbackUri, specified in the OrderRO sent in step 4 (see Data Format). The actual URL has to be resolved via Eureka service registry as the endpoint is not part of the normal REST API and also not accessible via the Web Adapter.
  10. The order export status is updated accordingly.

The implementation of steps 9 and 10 is not mandatory. It is only necessary if you want the status to be updated by your service after the order has been processed. Else, you can simply configure automatic order & line item status updates, see Concept - Order Export Framework, which take effect as soon as the data is exported to your service.


The setup process is described using BI Data Hub as an example. Instead of BI Data Hub, you may use any other service that provides the required endpoint and supports the general workflow for order submission.

Data Format

The data is mapped to a JSON format.

Example Order mapped to JSON
    "order" : {
               "header": {
                    "documentInfo": {
                         "orderUrn": "urn:order:ICM:inSPIRED:inTRONICS:00000002",
                         "documentNo": "00000002",
                         "store": "inTRONICS",
                         "currency": "USD",
                         "locale": "en_US",
                         "customerReferenceId": "RE201700002786598"
                    "processInfo": {
                         "status": "CANCELLED",
                         "creationDate": "2001-07-04T12:08:56.235-07:00"
               "totals": {
                    "grandTotal": {
                         "net": {
                              "currency": "USD",
                              "value": 10.99
                         "gross": {
                              "currency": "USD",
                              "value": 10.99
                         "tax": {
                              "currency": "USD",
                              "value": 10.99
                    "itemTotal": {
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                              "currency": "USD",
                              "value": 10.99
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                              "currency": "USD",
                              "value": 10.99
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                              "currency": "USD",
                              "value": 10.99
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                              "currency": "USD",
                              "value": 10.99
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                              "currency": "USD",
                              "value": 10.99
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                              "currency": "USD",
                              "value": 10.99
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                              "value": 10.99
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                              "value": 10.99
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                              "value": 10.99
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                              "value": 10.99
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                              "value": 10.99
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                              "value": 10.99
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