AWI-87604 • 13-Dec-2023 • Task
Description Some solutions are proprietary or require licensing even for Prove of Concept (PoC). Some vendors are also willing to participate in PoC phase to provide and additional support. All these factors make the process complicated. Environment ICM-11.3 null Task null Moved out of state On Hold
AWI-87605 • 20-Dec-2024 • Task
Description Process data obtained during the meeting with vendors and mirror it in the report null Task null Completed Closed null Major AdoWorkItem 87605 Products Products 87601 Parent
AWI-87597 • 18-Apr-2024 • User Story
Description As a developer (of a 3rd party client) I need to create, read, update and remove cost and list prices via REST-API so that I can have products with prices as needed. pac-man-review null User Story null Acceptance tests pass Closed null Major AdoWorkItem 87597 Products REST API Products Product
D30948 • 07-Jul-2023 • Wireframes • Intershop Progressive Web App
Table of Contents Introduction View and Edit Interactive Prototype Responsive Design Page Notes Widget Style Manager Feedback Wireframes Introduction The wireframes described here contain interaction designs for storefront pages. Elements and functionality of the Intershop Progressive Web App are displayed
30947X • 14-Jun-2024 • References • BI Data Hub
Table of Contents Introduction ER Diagrams Order Product Introduction This document shows how the database schema of the BI Data Hub is defined. It is intended for data analysts who plan to use the data for their own reporting. ER Diagrams Order Column Name Description order_document document_no Order
AWI-87520 • 18-Apr-2024 • Bug • Solr Cloud
Description ICM replication process does fail on BackupAndRestoreSolrCloudIndexesDecorator.onPostReplicationHook due to Solr Cloud service OverseerCollectionMessageHandler.waitForCoreNodeName method exception Steps to Repeat - execute a replication inclusive search indexes - at the end of replication
AWI-87503 • 18-Apr-2024 • User Story • Solr Cloud
Description Replication from search indexes especially the Backup and the Restore does consume lot of time Improvements are required to shrink search index replication duration. The replication executes the backup / restore commands in parallel for search indexes that are in the same application context
AWI-87469 • 14-Jun-2024 • Bug
Description The customer reports the following behavior. Read the log output and the corresponding request output. It occurred at least once on the caas test system, and occurred many times on different developer machines. It is suspect there is some problem during startup when the server loads the acl
309R46 • 04-Jul-2023 • Concepts • Intershop Progressive Web App
Introduction The PWA supports reCAPTCHA V2 as well as reCAPTCHA V3. Which CAPTCHA version is used depends on which CAPTCHA service is created and running in the ICM. The pure CAPTCHA functionality is implemented as a PWA extension and can be found in the extensions folder. There are two basic CAPTCHA
AWI-87404 • 05-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description When account manager for a b2b customer was removed via replication you will get an error page if you open the account manager tab of that customer. Steps to Repeat 1 - Create a new User in Back Office EDIT 2 - Give the user the necessary privileges to be an account manager on a B2B channel