309P31 • 13-Aug-2024 • Support Articles • ICM 7.10
Table of Contents Introduction References Solution Add a New Proxy Repository to the Artifact Repository Server Apply Changes to the Corporate Gradle Distribution Publish a New Release of the Corporate Gradle Distribution Change the Corporate Gradle Distribution URL in gradle-wrapper.properties Update
AWI-87171 • 05-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description The table name for "isorderapprovalstep" in "sp_deleteOrders.sql" for Oracle DB is wrong (it is "orderapprovalstep"). Actual Behavior The stored procedure in the database (sp_deleteOrders) deletes order-related table entries and, finally, the order table entry itself. One of the order-related
AWI-87097 • 28-Jun-2023 • Bug • Intershop Order Management, IOM 4.5, IOM 4.6
Description Modified products will be checked by a job. For this purpose, they are registered in the database table ArticleCollectionForAggregationUpdateDO. Attempts to register a same product twice are ignored for performance reasons, which is the reason behind that bug. A new attempt to edit the product
AWI-87088 • 14-Jun-2024 • Bug • ICM 7.10
Description When a process such as a product import is trying to acquire resources that are locked by standard jobs such as "Update Product Assignments" or "AnalyzeDatabaseSchema" the process information is missing in the error*.log. Example for job "AnalyzeDatabaseSchema": [2023-05-04 03:31:08.342 +0000]
3092Y9 • 22-Apr-2024 • Guidelines • Intershop Progressive Web App
We integrated Address Doctor to verify address data for correctness. The current integration is based on the Address Doctor API 6.0.0. Setup First, activate the feature toggle addressDoctor . You will also have to provide the endpoint and additional verification data. This can be done by defining it
AWI-87076 • 14-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 7.10, ICM 11
Description The customer use the stock notifications REST API and if the product is offline he gets a NPE. The ORMProductNotificationBOImpl method getProductBO returns a productBO only when it is online. If offline then it returns null. see class ORMProductNotificationBOImpl.java public ProductBO getProductBO()
AWI-86977 • 13-Sep-2023 • Bug • ICM 11
Description At ICM11, Staging is not supported. But for early adapters at development possible. "@timestamp":"2023-06-12T13:09:08.353Z","@version":"1","message":"CORE exception : com.intershop.beehive.core.capi.pipeline.PipelineExecutionException: Exception occurred while executing pipelet 'UpdateRe
AWI-86950 • 01-Feb-2024 • Bug • IOM 5.0
Description Our SequenceGenerator are bound to a database sequnce. When a allocationSize > 1 is defined, then the db sequence is generally defined with a corresponding increment , which is wrong . This leads to gaps in the generated ids.. example: select id, id-lag(id) over(order by id) as d from "O
AWI-86951 • 18-Apr-2024 • User Story • ICM 7.10, Solr Cloud
Description Optionally allow the Solr replication to rebuild the inconsistent search indexes instead let the replication fail immediately with "Index indexID@Domain is inconsistent. Backup of an inconsistent index will cause failures restoring the live system." There is a property to switch on the behavior
AWI-86941 • 28-Jun-2023 • Bug • Intershop Order Management, IOM 4.5, IOM 4.6
Description The order payment method is missing in the new document mapper in IOM 4.5 (DocumentMapperDefDO.INVOICE_DOCUMENT_MAPPER_BEAN_V2). (There is no attribute for the PaymentId within the XML schema for the new mapper. ) null Bug null Fixed and verified Closed null Major AdoWorkItem 86941 Products
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