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ICM 7.10
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Public Release Note - Intershop Commerce Management B2C/B2X 7.10


Welcome to Intershop Commerce Management 7.10.

This Public Release Note contains information about the latest features of Intershop Commerce Management. In addition, it serves as a quick reference for the latest documentation.


For release notes for LTS (long term support) releases, refer to Public Release Note - Intershop Commerce Management B2C/B2X 7.10 LTS.


Intershop Commerce Management B2C

Assembly NameDescription
com.intershop.assembly:commerce_management_b2cBase assembly for Intershop Commerce Management B2C (this is the base of all B2C projects).
com.intershop.responsive:inspired-b2cDemo store "Inspired" B2C (source of this assembly is the starting point for B2C projects).

Intershop Commerce Management B2X

Assembly NameDescription
com.intershop.assembly:commerce_management_b2xBase assembly for Intershop Commerce Management B2X (this is the base of all B2B projects).
com.intershop.responsive:inspired-b2xDemo store "Inspired" B2X (source of this assembly is the starting point for B2B projects).

New & Noteworthy

Microsoft SQL Server Support

With ICM 7.10.2 Intershop supports Microsoft SQL Server 2017 as alternative to Oracle Database. All features including Replication are supported by SQL Server. We also support Oracle Database 12c Release 2 now.

Intershop Progressive Web App

The Intershop Progressive Web App is an essential component of Intershop's new cloud strategy and an alternative storefront for Intershop Commerce Management. Through the clear separation of the Intershop Commerce Suite back-end from the visualization layer and the introduction of clearly defined Synaptic Commerce® APIs, partners and customers can design and customize the Intershop Storefront easier than ever before. Web Developers can use the Intershop PWA to implement storefront applications based on the Intershop Commerce Management (ICM) WebShop REST API and/or 3rd party systems. The Intershop PWA has a four-week release cycle, with new features being added on an ongoing basis.

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Integration

Intershop is developing Microservices to connect the Intershop Commerce Management 7.10 with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. The intention is to enhance the performance of the Dynamics 365 ERP-System by using automated Microservices to ensure data consistency, correctness and fast processing. The Microservice architecture allows a flexible adoption to customer-projects and a fast and agile integration in existing software-landscapes. The connectors for Orders and Inventory are part of the ICM 7.10 GA release. On an ongoing basis further standard connectors for Products, Customers and Prices will be made available for the Intershop Commerce Management 7.10 via a four-week release cycle.


ICM 7.10.2 supports Microsoft SQL Server.

Release Documents

System Requirements

To read about the newest system requirement, please refer to:

The Reference - CI Dependencies of Intershop Commerce Management (valid to 7.10) provides a mapping of all:

  • CI-versions of the ICM
  • Intershop CI Bootstrap version
  • Intershop Gradle Tools version
  • Intershop Responsive Starter Store version

Feature Lists

Please see our feature lists for more details about the new release:

Concepts & Cookbooks

For a list of all available ICM 7.10 documents, use the ICM 7.10 filter in our Knowledge Base.

Migration Guides

Intershop provides Migration Guidelines to ease the migration from 7.9 to 7.10:

Also see Overview - Migration Best Practice.

For migrations within 7.10 versions refer to the following documents:


Patch Release (LTS Release) 


This release includes all new features and changes of the latest non-LTS patch releases, i.e. to

For information on this release and subsequent LTS hotfix releases, please refer to Public Release Note - Intershop Commerce Management B2C/B2X 7.10 LTS.

Patch Release

Patch Release

Patch Release

Patch Release

  • Non-replication systems had some replication menu entries. These have been removed. No functional changes were made to replication itself (78618).
  • PWA - added support for design preview:
    • Content Editors now can test content in the Intershop Progressive Web App before it goes live. Therefore, the Design View for PWA can be opened within the Intershop Commerce Management (back office) and the following preview settings are supported: time, application, and catalog settings.
  • Please note the library updates as stated in Guide - Library Updates and consider that these might require migration efforts on custom source projects.

Patch Release (LTS Release)


For information on subsequent LTS hotfix releases, please refer to Public Release Note - Intershop Commerce Management B2C/B2X 7.10 LTS.
  • DBPrepare is required for the following change, see Concept - DBPrepare:
    • Fixed errors in the back office when using v_product, when at least one local product has many category assignments (75226)
  • The integrated WYSIWYG Editor "Tiny MCE" was updated to the latest version 5.6.2. In this context some interaction and visual design aspects have been improved and bugs have been fixed. See HTML Editor in the ICM Online Help.
  • Various improvements in the Product & Category REST API
    • /products usually retrieved product lists from the search index, however had a fallback to the database. This had an impact on performance, especially for large amounts of products in combination with a large number of requested attributes. Thus, the database fallback has been removed. So, in case there is no search index available, the API will return error code 503 (Service Unavailable). In case you need the database fallback, please see the following bullet point.
    • Stabilization leads to better performance of product list calls (i.e. /products and /categories/{category path}/products). This is achieved by requesting the data from the search index and by querying only the absolutely necessary data. Please note that we changed the ProductHandler and removed the usage of some pipelines. See Guide - Rest API ProductHandler Rework. In case your project did customization in this area, you can easily switch back to the old handler which still uses the old pipelines and contains the database fallback. However, please note that the corresponding code was set to deprecated, and will be removed in a future version. So you should plan to update your customization.
    • /products has the query parameter "amount" which previously had no limit. To avoid serious performance issues, we added a limit of 200. If your project absolutely requires larger amounts, e.g., because your custom PWA does not implement paging yet, you can increase the limit.
    • Authenticated calls for the resources ProductsResource and ProductListResource will now check if the provided spgid matrix parameter matches with the user.
  • The "last update" time of a search index which is displayed in the back office was changed from "last time of change regardless of success" to "last start time of a successful search index build/update".
  • A configurable option has been (re-)added to the Shopping Cart & Checkout section of the Application configuration interface in the back office which allows for activation or deactivation of automatic line item repositioning. See Concept - Basket Handling and Checkout | Basket Configurations and Managing Shopping Cart Preferences | Line Item Positioning in the ICM Online Help.
  • The 'stores' REST resource now provides latitude and longitude.
  • The job "ProcessActivePromotionProducts" has been reworked - see Guide - Rework Job ProcessActivePromotionProducts.
  • The demo store references release 3.1.0 of the SolrCloud Search Service Adapter with changes in query parsing and index build behavior.
  • The handling of scale price quantities has been changed, see Guide - Quantity Units of Scale Price Quantities for details.
  • The creation of system-managed pagelet has been moved from system start to the database preparation, see Guide - Move System-Managed Pagelet Creation From System Startup to DBPrepare.
  • The deletion of price lists in the back office has been reworked for better performance. That includes skipping the product locking. In case the old deletion needs to be used or customization has been done in pipeline "BatchProcessPriceList", you can easily switch between both delete implementations in the mentioned pipeline.
  • The product price REST API now supports min / max prices for product variations and min / summed up prices for retail sets. See also Guide - 7.10 REST API Changes | Product Price REST API.
  • The jQuery framework used by the back office was updated from version 1.11.1 to version 3.6.0. Together with this update the back office Javascipt was migrated to work with jQuery 3.x. To migrate your back office customizations, see the jQuery Core 3.0 Upgrade Guide.
  • Please note the library updates as stated in Guide - Library Updates on Patch Level and consider that these might require migration efforts on custom source projects.

Patch Release

  • The following changes were made to the web adapter. For details see Guide - 7.10 API Changes:
    • Removed and adjusted default connection time and retry properties for web adapter.
    • The web adapter now returns HTTP 503 instead of HTTP 500 to the client if no configuration service is available.
    • The class 'ApiTokenCookieLogin' has a new default method 'removeToken()'. 
  • An issue in the SMTP service has been fixed that was based on the encryption/decryption logic in the managed service configuration. The "@" character in e-mails is now interpreted correctly so that e-mails are sent successfully.

Hotfix Release

  • An issue in the SMTP service has been fixed that was based on the encryption/decryption logic in the managed service configuration. The "@" character in e-mails is now interpreted correctly so that e-mails are sent successfully.

Patch Release

Hotfix Release

  • An issue in the SMTP service has been fixed that was based on the encryption/decryption logic in the managed service configuration. The "@" character in e-mails is now interpreted correctly so that e-mails are sent successfully.

Patch Release

  • The DBinit preparers have been improved. Previously, in a list of preparer steps, the execution stopped at the first gap in the numbering (e.g., a disabled step) while subsequent steps were not executed. Now all non-disabled steps are executed as the complete list is iterated. This applies to all preparers in ICM.
    See Concept - DBMigrate and DBInit Properties File Formats for further information.
  • The following cXML-related changes require a DBMigrate/DBPrepare, see Concept - DBPrepare:
    • With a new global setting B2B shop managers are now able to define the locale to be used for transferred cXML Punchout baskets (64032).
    • In addition, two new attributes for cXML users have been introduced which allow for user-specific adjustments. These are:
      • cXML user-specific locale for transferred Punchout baskets (65537), and 
      • cXML user-specific unit of measurement mapping (65529).
    • The customer import has been extended to import these attributes (65539, 65533). So now each cXML user can have an individual locale being used for the data in the transferred Punchout basket, and an individual unit of measure mapping in order to support multiple procurement systems.
    • cXML Punchout sessions are now persisted in DB; outdated sessions (which are not transferred back) are automatically cleaned up with a new job, see Job - Cleanup Outdated cXML Punchout Sessions.
  • Storefront: The main navigation subcategories depth can now be controlled via the CMS in Intershop Commerce Management, see Cookbook - Storefront Navigation.
  • A new version of the Product & Category API is available, see Reference - Product and Category REST API 1.3.0.
    This includes a change in the FilterCollectionRO: In case no search index is found, error code 503 is returned, instead of a "500 server error". 
  • A new version of the Promotion REST API is available, see Reference - Promotion REST API 1.2.0 (ICM 7.10).
    This update includes improved caching for the resource /promotions/<promotion-id>, see Guide - 7.10 REST API Changes.
  • The following jobs are now enabled by default in order to keep the system clean and fast:

Hotfix Release

  • An issue in the SMTP service has been fixed that was based on the encryption/decryption logic in the managed service configuration. The "@" character in e-mails is now interpreted correctly so that e-mails are sent successfully.

Patch Release

  • A new global configuration has been implemented in the cXML Punchout for mapping the unit of measure codes defined for procurement systems to the units used in the online shop, see 64031.
  • A DocType was added to cXML Punchout responses in order to work with a larger amount of connectable procurement systems, see 62740.
  • The error handling has been improved in the staging area. In case of inconsistent domain data on the editing and live system (e.g. catalog domains were created directly on the live system), replications will fail in order to prevent broken data in the database. With the new implementation you are being informed via the error log that data cleanup in the production system (live) is required before the replication can be executed successfully again. This allows you to clear the reason for the replication failure independently. Previously technical support was required to get a failed replication being executed successfully again (63776).
    • The regular use case of, e.g., deleting a catalog on edit and then replicating this to live is not affected by this mechanism and, thus, does not require any data cleanup in the live system before a staging.
  • The promotion API was updated. When retrieving a list of promotions (product-specific or general) it is now possible to decide whether code-based promotions should be included or not. To determine this option, the new query parameter 'includeCodePromotions' has been introduced (64065), see Reference - Promotion REST API 1.1.0. In previous versions code-based promotions where automatically excluded from the lists.

  • The Punchout API was updated. The descriptions for 'OCI background search' and the texts for cXML Punchout have been improved, see Reference - Punchout REST API 2.2.0 (ICM 7.10).

Patch Release

  • DBInit and DBMigrate now use DBPrepare.
    Therefore, DBPrepare is required to register all previous preparers if you have used DBInit/DBMirate before 7.10.33, 
    see Guide - 7.10 API Changes and Concept - DBPrepare for details.
  • Buying Context was introduced for Basket and Order, see also Concept - Buying Context.
    This allows to have a more fine-grained structuring of a business customer and its users.

Patch Release (LTS Release)


For information on subsequent LTS hotfix releases, please refer to Public Release Note - Intershop Commerce Management B2C/B2X 7.10 LTS.
  • ICM requires a DBMigrate/DBPrepare for the following changes, see Concept - DBPrepare:
  • A new job was added that allows to remove old and outdated batch processes from time to time, see Job - CleanupBatchProcesses.
  • Deprecated code, mainly methods related to content management, was removed. For details, see Guide - Removal of Deprecated Code of bc_pmc.
  • The Contact Us e-mail was improved. For details, see Guide - Contact Us E-Mail.
  • Optimization of the Responsive Starter Store for Core Web Vitals metrics, this includes:
    • Elimination of render blocking resources
    • Removal of unused Javascript
    • Preloading of key requests
    • Optimized images
  • The number of cached cursors has been increased to improve request processing throughput.
    The default values for cached database cursors and numbers of shared read connections have been increased as follows (IS-32694 - Increase default cached cursors and read connections for JDBCSharedReadConnectionPool):

    Topical numbers of cached cursers and shared read connections


    Increasing the number of cached cursors also increases the number of open cursors being held by the application. Customers may need to adjust their instance configuration accordingly.

Patch Release

  • ICM requires a DBMigrate/DBPrepare for various changes, see Concept - DBPrepare :
    • New database views (V_PRODUCTSHARING, V_PRODUCT) were added. They allow for easier querying on product data and are the base for current and future search improvements. This will not change anything in the behavior of the product back office search. The DBMigrate is mandatory, however.

    • A bug related to GetSharingSourceDomainsByCatalogInclude.query in MS SQL was fixed .
  • The Subscription feature (Recurring Order) is now deactivated per default. Existing installations are not affected unless a full DBInit is executed. The feature can be easily reactivated. See Cookbook - Subscriptions | Recipe: Enable/Disable the Subscriptions Feature (Toggle).
  • Tomcat was updated to Tomcat 9:
  • The cXML order request interface has been implemented in a way that allows projects to easily adjust standard functionality according to the project needs. See Concept - cXML Order Injection for further details.

  • Image management via Cloudinary CDN is now available, see Overview - Cloudinary Image Server.

Patch Release

  • Tool for product import performance improvements: Tests have shown that large product imports can be accelerated when the XML indexes on the database are dropped before the import and recreated afterwards. This is faster than the incremental update which is regularly done during the import. Two pipelets are provided for the drop and create operations:
    • com.intershop.component.product.pipelet.CreateProductXMLIndex 
    • com.intershop.component.product.pipelet.DropProductXMLIndex 
      These pipelets are not used by default. Add the pipelets to your import job chain or change the default import pipeline and use them there, also see IS-32082 - Pipelet that removes and recreates DB XML Indexes For further details, see Cookbook - Product Import Performance.

  • Additional fine-grained roles are available in the user management in the Intershop Organization Management (Operations ), see  Organization Management Online Help | Managing Administration User Access Privileges .
  • A bug related to the DBmigrate execution from STAGING$get_live_tables was fixed for MSSQL, see IS-32632 - Database migration cannot perform alter on 'STAGING$get_live_tables'
    This requires a DBMigrate/DBPrepare, see Concept - DBPrepare .
  • The replication of recycle bin domains by product replication was removed. This requires a DBMigrate/DBPrepare and further steps, see migration guide: Guide - Recycle Bin Removed from Product Replication.
  • The REST ObjectMapper is now replaceable via Guice binding.
  • REST API Changes: 

Patch Release

Patch Release

  • The Punchout REST API now supports the OCI functions 'VALIDATE' and 'BACKGROUND_SEARCH'. 
  • The Customer REST API can be now adapted to transmit more attributes, see Cookbook - Customer REST API | Recipe: Add new Attributes to PrivateCustomerRO (for example with Custom Attributes) and following recipes. 
  • Search index configuration: There is now a validation for trailing commas and spaces when importing CSV files containing synonyms.
  • A bug related to the length of  searchandizing target URLs was fixed. Previously, the URL was truncated after 256 characters. The length has now been increased so that up to 4000 characters can be used. A DBMigrate is required to use this feature. 
    Not executing DBMigrate has no further consequences - the searchandizing URLs can still be used with 256 characters.

Patch Release

  • New job and process chains for search index and product assignment maintenance, see Guide - New Job and ProcessChains for Search Index Maintenance . This requires a DBMigrate.

  • Open API specifications are now available on production systems, accessible via Intershop System Management, see Cookbook - Developer Tools ac_swagger | Recipe: Show API Documentation for details. 
  • Introduction of configurable CORS filters. For each application a list of allowedOrigins can be configured.
  • Added Apache HTTPD support for mod_status and HTTP2, see  Guide - 7.10 Build and Deployment.
  • A new configuration for Single Sign-On (SSO) prevents the automatic registration of users and modification of user data. Project-specific customizations can thus connect external systems and are thus responsible for the stored data.
  • REST API Changes:
    • CMS: The CMS REST API that was completed with is no longer BETA. 
    • Punchout API: A new REST operation that allows to  transfer the Punchout basket back to the procurement system was added. 
    • Product & Category API:
      • A new REST endpoint attachments was implemented. It allows to download product attachments. Usually this endpoint is not called directly, instead the product API provides links to the documents which can then be downloaded.
      • A bug in the products endpoint was fixed: The inStock attribute now (correctly) returns data from the inventory service, see Guide - 7.10 REST API Changes for details.
    • Promotion: Improved caching  for resource /promotions , see Guide - 7.10 REST API Changes

Patch Release (LTS Release)

Based on your feedback and in order to support the planning of updates, upgrades and enhancements, Intershop Commerce Management 7.10 includes long-term support (LTS) releases from ICM Patch Version 7.10.26. For more information, refer to Concept - Continuous Releases (valid to 7.10).


For information on subsequent LTS hotfix releases, please refer to Public Release Note - Intershop Commerce Management B2C/B2X 7.10 LTS.

Further changes:

  • Messaging and cache metrics are now available in Prometheus, see Cookbook - Monitoring with Prometheus for details.
  • The  searchindexes REST API specifications have been separated from the Backoffice API specification and can be viewed via a drop down menu within the Swagger UI in Intershop System Management.
  • REST API: B2B buyers (admin) can now invite other persons to their customer organization, so they are able to make purchases in this context. 

  • A new promotion condition at order level allows to compare the total quantity of items in the basket with a specific amount in several ways.

  • The Quoting REST API now supports creating a new quote request from an existing quote request.
  • Products REST API: Using the parameter returnSortKeys=true now returns additionally the localized names of the available sorting options. (IS-29415)
  • XML Sitemap Generation is available for the Progressive Web App (PWA) application type (intershop.REST), see Concept - URL Rewriting (from 7.10.5) | Rewrite Rules for PWA.
  • A new promotion condition at order level allows to compare the order total with a specific purchase amount in several ways.
  • MSSQL database optimization: Duplicated indexes are removed. A DBMigrate is required on MSSQL to benefit from the change.
  • MSSQL database bugfix: If an index was deleted, it was possible that the wrong index was deleted. A DBMigrate is required on MSSQL to fix the problem.
  • MSSQL database optimization: Computed FT_INDEX columns are stored as persistence. A DBMigrate is required on MSSQL to benefit from the change.
  • Different REST API versions are now documented correctly and consistently with OpenAPI. This is especially relevant for Basket and Order where two REST API versions are available (see IS-30561 - It is not possible to properly reflect different API versions, and Reference - Intershop Commerce Management 7.10 REST API).

Patch Release

  • A new promotion condition at line item level allows to create promotions for specific product(s) based on a product attribute, see Discount Rules in the Intershop Commerce Management online help. 
  • A new promotion functionality allows to stop all other promotions after a promotion is successfully applied.
  • Single Sign-On is now available for inTRONICS (Azure AD B2C)
  • The behavior of the page cache invalidation can now be configured, see Cookbook - Page Cache.
  • The search index list now shows a warning when rebuilding a search index is a risk, e.g. when product or catalog import is running.
  • REST API Changes:
    • In the authentication REST API, the  /logout  path was changed to token/logout , see  Guide - 7.10 REST API Changes for details.


      This is a REST API break, which will be rolled back with the next release.

Patch Release

  • REST API Changes:
    • The Product & Category REST API now allows filtering by variation master SKU.
    • The following REST API specifications have been separated from the Storefront API specification and can be viewed via a drop down menu within the Swagger UI in Intershop System Management for each site:
      • Basket
      • Customer
      • Order
      • Organization
      • Recommendation
      • Wishlist
  • Single Sign-On:

Patch Release

  • New job to recalculate the sales target actual amount for all contracts, see Job - Recalculate the Sales Target Actual Amount for all Contracts.
    This requires a DBMigrate.
  • New role descriptions for B2B roles. For migration information refer to Guide - 7.10 API Changes.
  • JDBC Oracle driver update, see  Guide - 7.10 API Changes and Support Article - Handling the New Dependency of 3rd_oracle Version (valid to 7.10)  for details.
  • REST API Changes:
    • New REST API operations for handling order approval in buying organizations based on personal budgets or order size limits. This includes:

      • New REST interfaces to provide lists of approval tasks and their details for specific approvers,
      • New REST interfaces to provide lists of requisitions (one time or subscription) and their details for specific buyers,
      • New REST interfaces to perform approvals (accept or reject)
        Handling cost centers is not yet included.
    • The following REST API specifications have been separated from the Storefront API specification and can be viewed via a drop down menu within the Swagger UI in Intershop System Management for each site:
      • Authentication
      • Newsletter Subscription (E-Mail Marketing)
      • Promotion
      • Rating & Review
      • Subscription (Recurring Order)
      • Shop
    • Endpoints of the former Localization API are now part of the Shop API
    • Variation products assigned to one variation master can be retrieved via REST API with /products?MasterSKU=<Master SKU>. The corresponding variation attributes (→ /productfilters?MasterSKU=<Master SKU>) can be used to filter the result set. This allows to create variation master pages in PWAs more efficiently than before. In order to do this, MasterSKU must be indexed in the search index, similar to MasterUUID. This is needed so MasterSKU can be used in the REST API. (The REST API only handles skus, not UUIDs.)
    • Variation products on variation master pages, as well as in the REST API (/products?MasterSKU=<sku>) can now be sorted as defined in the backoffice, if no other sorting is specified. This requires configuration of the search index. See Guide - 7.10 REST API Changes.

  • Changes in Single Sign-On (SSO):

Patch Release

  • The CMS REST API is complete with version 7.10.21. The beta flag will remain for another ~ 6 months. This time will be used to get feedback from projects and make adjustments where necessary. The CMS REST API allows to get all relevant information about web content from Intershop Commerce Management in order to render it in a progressive web app or any other client.
  • Extended back office contract start date and end date validation:

    • Contract creation: start date and end date must be in the future.

    • Edit contract: contracts in the future are changeable. If a contract is already started, the end date can only be changed for contracts that are still running. Contracts in the past cannot be changed.

  • Azure AD B2B can now be configured for Single-Sign-On, see Recipe: Configure Azure AD (B2B) in Cookbook - Single Sign-on (SSO). Also refer to Guide - 7.10 API Changes for API changes.
  • Security updates of libraries, see Guide - Security Update of Libraries.
  • The attribute supplierSKU was added to the response of /products/<productID>.

Patch Release

  • The configuration property intershop.import.bulker.orm.importedToExistingProductsRatio for updating/building the search indexes after a product import allows to switch off the index build by setting the ratio to a negative value. In addition the property can be configured domain-specific.
  • The Notifications API specification has been separated from the Storefront API specification and can be viewed via a drop down menu within the Swagger UI in Intershop System Management for each site.
  • Configurations API (Beta): The response data structure was changed from a list to a map representation, see Guide - 7.10 REST API Changes for details. 

Patch Release

  • For MSSQL, an error was fixed that caused the stored procedure sp_deleteUserDataByDomain to run forever if there is data that needs to be deleted in the tables BASICPROFILE/BASICADDRESS related to the deleted DOMAINIDs.
    This requires a DBMigrate.

Patch Release

  • New Single Sign-on (SSO) feature for the Organization Management (Operations) Backoffice, see Guide - SSO for Enterprise Backoffice with Keycloak.
  • Payment instrument account identifiers can be set up with multiple properties and/or complex types, see Cookbook - Payment | Recipe: Define Account Identifiers for Payment Instruments for details.

  • The CMS REST API now supports personalized requests.
  • A new resource /productfilters was introduced for the filter REST API. This allows to show the necessary information and provide filter functionality in a more efficient way. This replaces the existing resource /filters.
  • Extensions of the B2B customer storefront REST API for budget and role management: 
    • When creating a user for an organization, it is possible to define roles for this user.
    • When viewing a list of users of an organization, it is now possible to see approval related data.
    • When updating a user, it is now possible to provide approval related budget data.
  • The API specification for "CMS", "Search" and "Product & Catalog" have been separated from the Storefront API specification and can be viewed via a drop down menu within the Swagger UI in Intershop System Management for each site.
  • Introduction of a new Cache API, see Guide - New Cache API - Configuration and Metrics

Patch Release

  • New Single Sign-on (SSO) feature for SMC. This requires a DBMigrate. For details see:
  • A new optional query parameter extended has been added to the /products/{id} and /products/{id}/variations resources, which will provide more complete information about variation attributes and their values in the new field variationAttributeValuesExtended.
  • The category REST resource now supports a category reference as a category id. The category reference is included in CategoryRO as categoryRef.
  • The Localization API specification has been separated from the Storefront API specification and can be viewed via a drop down menu within the Swagger UI in Intershop System Management for each site.
  • The CMS REST API now allows to retrieve pages in hierarchical structure by calling /cms/pagetree. The depth can be limited for larger trees. Also a node from a lower level can be passed to retrieve only a specific sub-tree.

Patch Release

  • A new Configuration REST API for Commerce Management channel, application and service settings has been introduced. Fore more details see
  • A new REST API (part of the basket REST API) has been introduced to handle limited tender payment methods like gift cards, gift certificate, etc.
  • A new REST API to delete all items in basket has been introduced.
  • A new optional query parameter omitHasOnlineProducts has been added to the /categories resource. If set to true, the field hasOnlineProducts will not be resolved for:

    • All categories in the category list resource
    • Subcategories in the category item resource
  • The new field effectiveUrl has been added to attachments under the products resource.

For the latest REST API documentation refer to: 

Patch Release

Patch Release

  • New URL rewrite rule for search, see Concept - URL Rewriting
  • New login type: Login can be done with either username or e-mail address, see Login Types
  • New B2C feature Cashback requires a DBMigrate for Oracle and MSSQL. For details see:
  • New requestable REST attribute retailSet was added to /products and /categories/<catID>/products. It shows if products from a list are retail sets or not. It allows to handle retail sets differently in lists (e.g. show a price range, instead of a price), without calling /products/<productID> first.
  • New REST resource for handling ViewContext objects
  • New ReCaptcha v3 has been introduced. For more details see:

Patch Release


Version has been revoked mainly due to the following critical problems:

  • The class patch mechanism with <server>/local/lib does not work anymore, see IS-28344 - Class patch mechanism with <server>locallib does not work anymore.
  • For dev systems with 'intershop.pipelines.checksource=true' all executed pipelines are reloaded at every request, see IS-28374 - With 'intershop.pipelines.checksource=true' all executed pipelines are reloaded at every request

Patch Release

Patch Release

  • Due to a fix regarding the passphrase of the SSH keys, the old passphrases are no longer valid. The key pair needs to be regenerated and the new public key needs to be sent to the consumer of the effected transfer. For more information see Guide - 7.10 API Changes.

Patch Release

  • Due to the introduction of swagger 2.x, the usage of swagger 1.x in custom cartridges will lead to dependency conflicts as they have the same identifier. In this case you have to use Gradle Tools >= 2.11.10. For more information and migration steps see Guide - Security Update of Libraries
  • New REST API for payment redirect handling (redirect before order creation). For more details see REST API documentation.
  • Added SEO attributes for product and catalog REST-API. For more details see REST API documentation .
  • A manual migration is required to fix IS-26655 - OrderProductLineItemBOAppliedRebateExtension is dependent on existance of promotion data, see Guide - Storing of Promotion Information at Orders for details
  • API Changes, see Guide - 7.10 API Changes for details: 
    • Reworked text index creation for MS SQL
    • DBMigrate on MS SQL to update procedure sp_compile_invalid_objects
    • Option to disable CSS file compression
  • With patch release Customer-Specific Assortments were introduced. With the release one existing limitation was removed: The category page of the classic inSPIRED storefront now takes the assortments into account. If sub-categories are empty due to assortments, they are not listed on the category page.

Patch Release

  • Added IPv6 support, see Guide - IPv6 Support for Public Client Requests
  • A DBMigrate for MSSQL is needed to fix the following issues:

    • IS-26184 - StagingGroups must match the tables for the POs of their own component set - The staging definition for 'ImageReferences' and 'ImageDefinitions' is moved from platform to business

    • IS-27017 - XML Indexes are not created for $2 Tables - STAGING_DDL$copy_indexes also handles XML Indexes

Patch Release

  • New extension of product REST API to show the default category
    • IS-25665 - Adapt REST API for Products to return defaultCategory - Adapt REST API for products to return default category

Patch Release 7.10.9

  • A DBMigrate is needed to fix the following issues:
    • IS-26686 - [MSSQL] Staging environment removal error - Staging environment removal error
    • IS-26650 - DDL$drop_table and DDL$drop_view does not check for the database type - DDL$drop_table and DDL$drop_view does not check for the database type
  • With patch release Customer Specific Assortments were introduced. With the release one existing limitation is removed: The main menu of the classic inSPIRED storefront now takes the assortments into account. If categories are empty due to assortments, they are also removed from the main menu. 
  • A new preference in the image management was added. It is now possible to select an image type for category images, instead of using the pre-defined type "M". 
  • New requestable REST attribute packingUnit was added.
    By using the /products and /categories/<catID>/products REST endpoints, product stubs for display on family pages and search result pages can be retrieved. The optional attrs parameter allows to receive certain product attributes in that call to construct product tiles on said pages.

    • packingUnit - can be used to display the packiging unit
  • Upgrade from JGroups 3.4.1 to 4.0.19

Patch Release

  • New naming schema for (JSON) attributes representing discounted and undiscounted total amounts - see Guide - 7.10 REST API Changes.
  • With this release we added an additional attribute packingUnit to the REST response for all /product calls. It contains the packing unit information for the respective product.
  • A DBMigrate is needed to fix the following issues:
    • IS-26284 - 'sp_genericPoAvDeleteByDomain' it not correct for MSSQL - 'sp_genericPoAvDeleteByDomain' it not correct for MSSQL

Patch Release

  • A DBMigrate is needed to fix the following issues:
    • IS-26004 - Index Using a Lot of Disk Space - Remove obsolete and duplicate indexes (MSSQL)

    • IS-26089 - (MSSQL) UUID generation is not random enough - UUID generation in database was not unique (MSSQL)
    • IS-26066 - [MSSQL] staging_ddl$add_constraint does not check for duplicates - Function does not handle constraint duplicates (MSSQL)
    • IS-26076 - Alternate Keys are created as NONUNIQUE Index - Alternate keys was not unqiue

Hotfix Release

  • With this release we added an additional attribute availableStock to the REST response for all /products and /product calls. It contains the quantity which is available for sale. The data comes from the Inventory Service.
  • New REST API for basket handling including payment. For more details see REST API documentation.
  • With the newly introduced Promotion Code Search, it is now possible to easily evaluate the validity, assignment and use of promotion codes in the back office. For more details refer the Intershop Commerce Management online help.

Patch Release

  • New REST API for basket handling including line Items, addresses and shipping. We are currently working on payment REST API. For more details please have a look at Cookbook - Basket REST API.
  • With Customer Specific Assortments it is now possible to create very individual assortments, much more fine-grained than with Catalog Views. They work with the search index and allow a more flexible configuration without performance loss.
    For further details please refer to Concept - Customer-Specific Assortments.
  • The Swatch Image source can now be maintained via Image Management or via Product Custom Attributes. For further details please refer to Concept - Product Variations 7.10.
  • Order Export can now be initialized via DBInit, for further details refer to Cookbook - Order XML Export.
  • New requestable REST attributes minOrderQuantity and inStock were added.
    By using the /products and /categories/<catID>/products REST endpoints, product stubs for display on family pages and search result pages can be retrieved. The optional attrs parameter allows to receive certain product attributes in that call to construct product tiles on said pages.

    • minOrderQuantity - can be used to add products to carts and quotes
    • inStock - can be used to effectively render the family page in the list view
  • New REST API for searching variation product by attributes. For further details refer to our API documentation (/products/{productsKey}/variations/search).
  • It is now possible to return the redirect status code 301 (moved permanently) instead of the default redirect code 302 (moved temporarily). For further details please refer to Cookbook - URL Rewriting.
  • It is now possible to exclude special characters for URL rewriting rules, see Cookbook - URL Rewriting.
  • Now attribute groups on channel level get an available via REST API flag. A new checkbox and a new custom attribute are added for every attribute group - AvailableViaREST with the values true/false. If an attribute group is available via REST API, then the group and all contained attributes will be included in the regular get product data call. A new parameter attributeGroup is introduced. It returns the requested attribute groups with all their attributes. For the import/export process an additional attribute <available-via-rest> was added to the impex XML file. For attribute groups on organization level the value is always false.

Major Release 7.0.0 of the Responsive Starter Store (a_responsive)

  • Starting with version 7.0.0 of the Responsive Starter Store which depends on ICM or later, the current jQuery 3.3.1 is used instead of 1.11.3. All Javascript code of the Responsive Starter Store was migrated to this new jQuery version.
  • With this migration all the used third party libraries were updated to their latest versions as well and adapted where necessary.
  • We introduced the usage of Captcha for the Contact Us pages. In the channel preferences you are able to configure the Captcha settings by enabling or disabling the feature.

Patch Release

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Product Releases
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