This document is valid from ICM
This reference describes the several token types used within or accepted by Intershop Commerce Management (ICM).
Term | Description |
JWT | JSON Web Token |
Token Type | Description |
ID Token | A token containing information about a user's identity |
Access Token | A token granting access to a certain resource |
Refresh Token | A token granting access to a resource that allows to request new ID and access tokens |
All ID tokens support the following required (payload) claims:
Claim | Description | Example |
iss | Issuer of this token | |
sub | Subject of this token (e.g. user id) | 24400320 |
aud | Audience (mostly the client id) | s6BhdRkqt3 |
exp | Expiration date (syntax defined by RFC3339) | 1311281970 |
iat | "issued at"-date (syntax defined by RFC3339) | 1311280970 |
The ICM server maps ID token claims to the user's profile data:
Claim | Profile Attribute |
given_name | firstName |
family_name | lastName |
nickname | nickname |
gender | gender |
birthdate | birthdate |
phone_number | phoneNumber |
The ICM server maps ID token claims to the user's profile data:
Claim | Profile Attribute |
given_name | firstName |
family_name | lastName |
nickname | nickname |
gender | gender |
birthdate | birthdate |
phone_number | phoneNumber |
login | Built using the pattern: externalUserName + "#" + externalUserId + "@" + identityProviderId with:
The ICM supports JWT Token creation ("token" resource). These JWT are filled using the following data:
Profile Attribute | Claim |
profileID | user_id |
firstName + <space> + lastName | name |
firstName | given_name |
lastName | family_name |
login | preferred_username |
Other required claims are set with the following values or data:
Claim | Resolved |
sub (subject) | user_id |
iss (issuer) | web-server-secure-URL |
aud (audience) | "ICMClient" |
exp (expires) | creation date + life time |
iat (issued at) | current date |
nonce | A uuid |