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  • ICM 11
  • ICM 12
Reference - Media Assets Management REST API 1.0.0 (Beta)
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This API specification is available for download as an Open API 3.0 YAML file: 


The following page lists available REST APIs for ICM 11 and their version dependencies:

API Specification

OpenAPI Version: 3.0.1
Media Assets Management Version: 1.0.0-beta

The Media Assets REST API allows to access files in the shared file system of Intershop Commerce Management that were uploaded via content upload.

API Versioning & Accept-Header

Media-type-based versioning is used to distinguish between different API versions. For requests to the Media Assets REST API v1, the REST client must set the following HTTP Accept header:

Accept: application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json


Version 1.0.0

  • Introduced this REST API
Directories API
GET: [BETA] Returns the subdirectories in the root content directory


This operation returns subdirectories of the root content directory. Use the loc parameter to switch between the contents for different languages.

Java Method


Request Body


Request Parameters

in pathlocstringen_USThe locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ;loc=<LOCALE>). If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter, user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using a underscore, e. g. en_US.
in pathforceTotalstringtrueFlag indicating whether the calculation of the total number of elements should be forced, passed as an optional matrix parameter ;forceTotal=true.
in querylimitinteger int3220Defines the maximum number of media assets in the response. The value cannot exceed the value configured by (default 50).
in queryoffsetinteger int3240Defines the starting position (number of elements to be skipped minus one).


200 - OK - The subdirectories in the root content directory.

DirectoriesRESTResponse_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json

400 - Bad Request - The path is invalid.

FeedbackContainerRO_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json

401 - Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated.

403 - Forbidden - The user is not allowed to access this resource.

404 - Not Found - The path could not be found.

FeedbackContainerRO_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json
GET: [BETA] Returns subdirectories in a directory.


This operation returns subdirectories of the given directory. Use the loc parameter to switch between the contents for different languages. The path segment /directories/{directoryName} can be repeated multiple times to browse through the file tree, for example: mediaassets/directories/campaigns/directories/2023/directories/summersale/directories.

Request Body


Request Parameters

in pathlocstringen_USThe locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ;loc=<LOCALE>). If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter, user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using a underscore, e. g. en_US.
in pathforceTotalstringtrueFlag indicating whether the calculation of the total number of elements should be forced, passed as an optional matrix parameter ;forceTotal=true.
in pathdirectoryNamestringRequired | The name of the subdirectory.
in querylimitnumber int3220Defines the maximum number of media assets in the response. The value cannot exceed the value configured by (default 50).
in queryoffsetnumber int3240Defines the starting position (number of elements to be skipped minus one).


200 - OK - The subdirectories in the directory.

DirectoriesRESTResponse_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json

400 - Bad Request - The path is invalid.

FeedbackContainerRO_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json

401 - Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated.

403 - Forbidden - The user is not allowed to access this resource.

404 - Not Found - The path could not be found.

FeedbackContainerRO_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json
Directories & Files API
GET: [BETA] Returns directories and files in the root content directory


This operation returns directories and files located in the root content directory. Use the loc parameter to switch between the contents for different languages. When using offset and limit, directories are listed before files.

Java Method


Request Body


Request Parameters

in pathlocstringen_USThe locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ;loc=<LOCALE>). If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter, user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using a underscore, e. g. en_US.
in pathforceTotalstringtrueFlag indicating whether the calculation of the total number of elements should be forced, passed as an optional matrix parameter ;forceTotal=true.
in querylimitinteger int3220Defines the maximum number of media assets in the response. The value cannot exceed the value configured by (default 50).
in queryoffsetinteger int3240Defines the starting position (number of elements to be skipped minus one).


200 - OK - The files and directories in the root content directory.

MediaAssetsRESTResponse_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json

401 - Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated.

403 - Forbidden - The user is not allowed to access this resource.

GET: [BETA] Returns the subdirectories and files in the directory


This operation returns directories and files located in the specified subdirectory. Use the loc parameter to switch between the contents for different languages. When using offset and limit, directories are listed before files. The path segments /directories/{directoryName} can be repeated multiple times, to browse through the file tree, e.g. mediaassets/directories/campaigns/directories/2023/directories/summersale.

Java Method


Request Body


Request Parameters

in pathlocstringen_USThe locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ;loc=<LOCALE>). If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter, user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using a underscore, e. g. en_US.
in pathforceTotalstringtrueFlag indicating whether the calculation of the total number of elements should be forced, passed as an optional matrix parameter ;forceTotal=true.
in pathdirectoryNamestringRequired | The name of the subdirectory.
in querylimitinteger int3220Defines the maximum number of media assets in the response. The value cannot exceed the value configured by (default 50).
in queryoffsetinteger int3240Defines the starting position (number of elements to be skipped minus one).


200 - OK - The subdirectories and files in the directory.

MediaAssetsRESTResponse_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json

400 - Bad Request - The path is invalid.

FeedbackContainerRO_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json

401 - Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated.

403 - Forbidden - The user is not allowed to access this resource.

404 - Not Found - The path could not be found.

FeedbackContainerRO_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json
Files API
GET: [BETA] Returns the files in the directory (root or subdirectory)


This operation returns files located in the specified directory. Use the loc parameter to switch between the contents for different languages. The path segment /directories/{directoryName} can be repeated multiple times to browse through the file tree, for example: mediaassets/directories/campaigns/directories/2023/directories/summersale/files.

Java Method


Request Body


Request Parameters

in pathlocstringen_USThe locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ;loc=<LOCALE>). If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter, user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using a underscore, e. g. en_US.
in pathforceTotalstringtrueFlag indicating whether the calculation of the total number of elements should be forced, passed as an optional matrix parameter ;forceTotal=true.
in pathdirectoryNamestringRequired | The name of the subdirectory.
in querylimitinteger int3220Defines the maximum number of media assets in the response. The value cannot exceed the value configured by (default 50).
in queryoffsetinteger int3240Defines the starting position (number of elements to be skipped minus one).


200 - OK - The files in the directory.

FilesRESTResponse_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json

400 - Bad Request - The path is invalid.

FeedbackContainerRO_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json

401 - Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated.

403 - Forbidden - The user is not allowed to access this resource.

404 - Not Found - The path could not be found.

FeedbackContainerRO_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json
GET: [BETA] Returns the files in the directory (root or subdirectory)


This operation returns files located in the specified directory. Use the loc parameter to switch between the contents for different languages. The path segment /directories/{directoryName} can be repeated multiple times to browse through the file tree, for example: mediaassets/directories/campaigns/directories/2023/directories/summersale/files.

Java Method


Request Body


Request Parameters

in pathlocstringen_USThe locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ;loc=<LOCALE>). If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter, user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using a underscore, e. g. en_US.
in pathforceTotalstringtrueFlag indicating whether the calculation of the total number of elements should be forced, passed as an optional matrix parameter ;forceTotal=true.
in pathlocstringen_USThe locale ID (submitted as optional matrix parameter ;loc=<LOCALE>). If omitted, the priority is as follows (from high to low): Locale ID parameter, user's default locale, site's default locale. The available locales depend on your individual Intershop Commerce Management installation. Use IANA language definitions for languages and regions and combine them using a underscore, e. g. en_US.
in querylimitinteger int3220Defines the maximum number of media assets in the response. The value cannot exceed the value configured by (default 50).
in queryoffsetinteger int3240Defines the starting position (number of elements to be skipped minus one).


200 - OK - The files in the directory.

FilesRESTResponse_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json

400 - Bad Request - The path is invalid.

FeedbackContainerRO_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json

401 - Unauthorized - The user could not be authenticated.

403 - Forbidden - The user is not allowed to access this resource.

404 - Not Found - The path could not be found.

FeedbackContainerRO_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json
Request and Response Object Schemata
DirectoriesRESTResponse_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json{
  • "data":
    An array of string literals. List of subdirectory names
  • "info":
    A DirectoriesListInfoRO_v1 object. Optional
    • "hasMoreElements":
      Readonly | Flag that expresses if there more entries available. | Example: true
    • "limit":
      Readonly | The limit of list entries to be shown. | Format: int32 | Example: 20
    • "offset":
      Readonly | Excludes the first N items from the list. | Format: int32 | Example: 10
    • "total":
      Readonly | The total amount of entries in the list. | Format: int32 | Example: 30
  • "messages":
    Readonly | An array of FeedbackRO_v1 objects. List of messages regarding to the request (e.g. value adjustments).
    FeedbackRO_v1: An error or piece of information related to the current request.
    • "causes":
      An array of FeedbackCauseRO_v1 objects. A collection of errors/warnings/infos that caused the feedback.
      FeedbackCauseRO_v1: A representation for the common feedback information.
      • "code":
        Required | A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem (may be used for localization on client-side). | Example:
      • "message":
        Required | A human readable message in the request's locale. | Example: The product name must be specified.
      • "parameters":
        An array of object literals. A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message.
      • "paths":
        An array of string literals. A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. Unless otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity. | Documentation: | Example: ["\"$.name (position: 1)\""]
    • "code":
      Required | A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem (may be used for localization on client-side). | Example:
    • "message":
      Required | A human readable message in the request's locale. | Example: The product name must be specified.
    • "parameters":
      An array of object literals. A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message.
    • "paths":
      An array of string literals. A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. Unless otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity. | Documentation: | Example: ["\"$.name (position: 1)\""]
    • "level":
      The level of the feedback. | Example: ERROR | Possible Values: INFOWARNERROR
    • "status":
      The HTTP status code that is applicable to this problem. | Example: 422
FeedbackContainerRO_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json{
  • "messages":
    Readonly | An array of FeedbackRO_v1 objects. List of messages regarding to the request (e.g. value adjustments).
    FeedbackRO_v1: An error or piece of information related to the current request.
    • "causes":
      An array of FeedbackCauseRO_v1 objects. A collection of errors/warnings/infos that caused the feedback.
      FeedbackCauseRO_v1: A representation for the common feedback information.
      • "code":
        Required | A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem (may be used for localization on client-side). | Example:
      • "message":
        Required | A human readable message in the request's locale. | Example: The product name must be specified.
      • "parameters":
        An array of object literals. A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message.
      • "paths":
        An array of string literals. A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. Unless otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity. | Documentation: | Example: ["\"$.name (position: 1)\""]
    • "code":
      Required | A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem (may be used for localization on client-side). | Example:
    • "message":
      Required | A human readable message in the request's locale. | Example: The product name must be specified.
    • "parameters":
      An array of object literals. A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message.
    • "paths":
      An array of string literals. A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. Unless otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity. | Documentation: | Example: ["\"$.name (position: 1)\""]
    • "level":
      The level of the feedback. | Example: ERROR | Possible Values: INFOWARNERROR
    • "status":
      The HTTP status code that is applicable to this problem. | Example: 422
FilesRESTResponse_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json{
  • "data":
    An array of string literals. List of file names
  • "info":
    A FilesListInfoRO_v1 object. The optional information about the response object. All values are also optional.
    • "files":
      Readonly | An array of FileInfoRO_v1 objects. Further information about the files
      FileInfoRO_v1: Information about a file
      • "name":
        Readonly | Name of the file | Example: image.jpg
      • "uri":
        Readonly | URI to the image | Example: /INTERSHOP/static/WFS/inSPIRED-Site/-/inSPIRED/en_US/image.jpg
      • "descriptor":
        Readonly | The image content descriptor | Example: inSPIRED:/image.jpg
    • "hasMoreElements":
      Readonly | Flag that expresses if there more entries available. | Example: true
    • "limit":
      Readonly | The limit of list entries to be shown. | Format: int32 | Example: 20
    • "offset":
      Readonly | Excludes the first N items from the list. | Format: int32 | Example: 10
    • "total":
      Readonly | The total amount of entries in the list. | Format: int32 | Example: 30
  • "messages":
    Readonly | An array of FeedbackRO_v1 objects. List of messages regarding to the request (e.g. value adjustments).
    FeedbackRO_v1: An error or piece of information related to the current request.
    • "causes":
      An array of FeedbackCauseRO_v1 objects. A collection of errors/warnings/infos that caused the feedback.
      FeedbackCauseRO_v1: A representation for the common feedback information.
      • "code":
        Required | A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem (may be used for localization on client-side). | Example:
      • "message":
        Required | A human readable message in the request's locale. | Example: The product name must be specified.
      • "parameters":
        An array of object literals. A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message.
      • "paths":
        An array of string literals. A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. Unless otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity. | Documentation: | Example: ["\"$.name (position: 1)\""]
    • "code":
      Required | A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem (may be used for localization on client-side). | Example:
    • "message":
      Required | A human readable message in the request's locale. | Example: The product name must be specified.
    • "parameters":
      An array of object literals. A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message.
    • "paths":
      An array of string literals. A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. Unless otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity. | Documentation: | Example: ["\"$.name (position: 1)\""]
    • "level":
      The level of the feedback. | Example: ERROR | Possible Values: INFOWARNERROR
    • "status":
      The HTTP status code that is applicable to this problem. | Example: 422
MediaAssetsRESTResponse_v1 application/vnd.intershop.admin.mediaassets.v1+json{
  • "data":
    A MediaAssetsDataRO_v1 object. The core data of the response object.
    • "directories":
      Readonly | An array of string literals. List of subdirectory names
    • "files":
      Readonly | An array of string literals. List of all files in this directory
  • "info":
    A MediaAssetsListInfoRO_v1 object. The optional information about the response object. All values are also optional.
    • "files":
      Readonly | An array of FileInfoRO_v1 objects. Further information about the files
      FileInfoRO_v1: Information about a file
      • "name":
        Readonly | Name of the file | Example: image.jpg
      • "uri":
        Readonly | URI to the image | Example: /INTERSHOP/static/WFS/inSPIRED-Site/-/inSPIRED/en_US/image.jpg
      • "descriptor":
        Readonly | The image content descriptor | Example: inSPIRED:/image.jpg
    • "hasMoreElements":
      Readonly | Flag that expresses if there more entries available. | Example: true
    • "limit":
      Readonly | The limit of list entries to be shown. | Format: int32 | Example: 20
    • "offset":
      Readonly | Excludes the first N items from the list. | Format: int32 | Example: 10
    • "total":
      Readonly | The total amount of entries in the list. | Format: int32 | Example: 30
  • "messages":
    Readonly | An array of FeedbackRO_v1 objects. List of messages regarding to the request (e.g. value adjustments).
    FeedbackRO_v1: An error or piece of information related to the current request.
    • "causes":
      An array of FeedbackCauseRO_v1 objects. A collection of errors/warnings/infos that caused the feedback.
      FeedbackCauseRO_v1: A representation for the common feedback information.
      • "code":
        Required | A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem (may be used for localization on client-side). | Example:
      • "message":
        Required | A human readable message in the request's locale. | Example: The product name must be specified.
      • "parameters":
        An array of object literals. A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message.
      • "paths":
        An array of string literals. A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. Unless otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity. | Documentation: | Example: ["\"$.name (position: 1)\""]
    • "code":
      Required | A unique identifier for this particular occurrence of the problem (may be used for localization on client-side). | Example:
    • "message":
      Required | A human readable message in the request's locale. | Example: The product name must be specified.
    • "parameters":
      An array of object literals. A map of several parameters that are used to assemble the message.
    • "paths":
      An array of string literals. A collection of JSON paths to the associated entities. Unless otherwise specified, this always refers to the request entity. | Documentation: | Example: ["\"$.name (position: 1)\""]
    • "level":
      The level of the feedback. | Example: ERROR | Possible Values: INFOWARNERROR
    • "status":
      The HTTP status code that is applicable to this problem. | Example: 422
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