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  • ICM 11
  • IOM Connector
Reference - Order IOM Extension REST API 1.0.1

The Order IOM Extension REST API works only with the IOM Connector enabled.

This API specification is available for download as an Open API 3.0 YAML file: 


The following page lists available REST APIs for ICM 11 and their version dependencies:

API Specification

OpenAPI Version: 3.0.1
Order IOM Extension Version: 1.0.1

The Order IOM Extension REST API, provided by the IOM Connector, introduces IOM-specific resources
that extend the capabilities of the standard Order REST API.
To make use of these extensions, it is crucial to have the IOM Connector customization correctly installed and configured.

API Versioning & Accept-Header

Media type based versioning is used to distinguish between different API versions.
For requests to the Order IOM Extension REST API v1, the REST client must set the following HTTP Accept header:

Accept: application/vnd.intershop.order-iom-ext.v1+json

Order API resource objects extensions

If the IOM Connector is installed, it also extends the standard Order REST API with the following attributes:

IOMPaymentStatus in OrderRO:

The IOMPaymentStatus object represents the payment status of the order. It includes the following properties:

  • paidAmount: An object that represents the amount that has been paid for the order
    • currency (string): The currency of the paidAmount
    • value (number): The value of the paidAmount
  • paidAmountPercent (number): The percentage of the order amount that has been paid
  • paymentStatus (string): The status of the payment for the order (e.g., "Paid")
  • remainingAmount: An object that represents the remaining amount to be paid for the order
    • currency (string): The currency of the remainingAmount
    • value (number): The value of the remainingAmount
  • remainingAmountPercent (number): The percentage of the order amount that is remaining to be paid


"IOMPaymentStatus": {
    "paidAmount": {
        "currency": "USD",
        "value": 789.00
    "paidAmountPercent": 100,
    "paymentStatus": "Paid",
    "remainingAmount": {
        "currency": "USD",
        "value": 0.00
    "remainingAmountPercent": 0

IOMShippingStatus in OrderLineItemRO:

The IOMShippingStatus object represents the shipping status of the order line item. It includes the following properties:

  • name (string): The name of the shipping carrier
  • packages (integer($int32)): The number of packages associated with the shipping carrier
  • trackingNumbers (string[]): An array of tracking numbers associated with the shipping carrier


"IOMShippingStatus": [
        "name": "STD_GROUND",
        "packages": 1,
        "trackingNumbers": [


Version 1.0.1

  • added documentation about Order API resource objects extensions
  • adapt documentation for Key Features section
  • added status codes for Document requests

Version 1.0.0

Initial Release

Key Features:

  • Order-Related Documents

    • Provides resources for listing and accessing various order-related documents.
    • Allows downloading PDF versions of specific documents.
  • Return Requests for Orders

    • Provides resources for listing returnable order positions.
    • Supports the creation of new return requests for one or more order positions.
    • Offers endpoints for listing return requests for a given order, their positions, and custom-attributes.

Open ReDoc-rendered Open API documentation in separate window.

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