To add storefront editing tags manually Intershop 7 provides two strict modules. The <ISRENDERENTITYRENDERINGSTART>tag and <ISRENDERENTITYRENDERINGEND>
tag can be used encasing the section that is responsible for the rendering of an object.
The <ISRENDERENTITYRENDERINGSTART>tag states that the rendering of the given render object is about to start. This might imply several actions by the system. This tag must be followed by the matching <ISRENDERENTITYRENDERINGEND>
which states that the rendering of the given object has finished. This might also imply several actions by the system.
<ISRenderEntityRenderingStart ( RenderEntityRenderObject = "( {String} | {ISML expression} )" RenderEntityID = "( {String} | {ISML expression} )" RenderEntityContextData = "( {String} | {ISML expression} )" RenderingContextData = "( {String} | {ISML expression} )" )> <ISRenderEntityRenderingEnd ( RenderEntityRenderObject = "( {String} | {ISML expression} )" RenderEntityID = "( {String} | {ISML expression} )" RenderEntityContextData = "( {String} | {ISML expression} )" RenderingContextData = "( {String} | {ISML expression} )" )>
The example below renders all categories in the passed iterator for a sitemap.
<isinclude template="modules/Modules"> <isif condition="#hasElements(CategoryBOs)#"> <ul class="ish-siteMapCategoryList"> <isloop iterator="CategoryBOs" alias="CategoryBO" counter="CategoryCount"> <iscachekey object="#CategoryBO#"> <isset name="CategoryBO" value="#CategoryBO#" scope="request"> <li class="ish-siteMapCategoryList-item ish-siteMapCategoryList-item-<isprint value="#CategoryCount#"> <isif condition="#(CategoryCount%2) == 0#"> ish-siteMapCategoryList-item-even <iselse>ish-siteMapCategoryList-item-odd</isif> "> <ISUUID name="RenderEntityID"> <ISRenderEntityRenderingStart RenderEntityRenderObject="#CategoryBO#" RenderEntityID="#RenderEntityID#"> <ISViewContext ViewContext="#PageletConfigurationParameters:contextObjectRelation#"> <ISRenderEntityRenderingEnd RenderEntityRenderObject="#CategoryBO#" RenderEntityID="#RenderEntityID#"> </li> </isloop> </ul> </isif>
The two tags are configured with the same attributes. Of course, the attributes of matching start-tag and end-tag should be the same.
The PersistentObject (e.g., product, catalog category, etc) that is to be rendered (required).
A string that allows to match the <ISRENDERENTITYRENDERINGSTART>
A map <String, Object>
that contains additional information about the RenderEntityRenderObject
A map <String, Object>
that contains additional information about the context in which this module is called (optional).