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Reference - IOM Customer Emails


This reference gives a list of available data that are required to configure customer e-mails of the IOM. The data will be referenced to complete the related concept and cookbook. This document is aimed at project developers.


Communication partnerA relation from IOM to an external 3rd-party system with which a defined communication exists. E.g., a shop, supplier or payment provider.
Also named partner in this document.
IOMThe abbreviation for Intershop Order Management
TransmissionAn internal object of IOM that represents the requests and content for external communication.


Processes for Email Events

Sending an e-mail can be attached to a business process (event). The following list shows all processes where sending a customer e-mail can be useful.

Please refer to the database documentation for all processes (ProcessDO) and all invoicing types (TransmissonTypeDefDO) that are supported by the application by default.

Please also have a look at the specification of the transmission REST API. Here a complete list of all transmission types can be found - Overview - Intershop Order Management REST API.

ProcessDescription of E-mail EventType of E-mailTransmission Type (as configured in the Database)
CheckOrderQueueSend e-mail if order received.Order confirmationSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_ORDER  
PrepareOrderResponseQueue  Send e-mail if order is approved.Order confirmationSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_ORDER  
OrderTransmissionedQueueSend e-mail if order is successfully exported for suppliers.Order commissioned confirmationSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_ORDER_COMMISSIONED

Send e-mail for delivery confirmation.

Send e-mail including download links for non-physical items.A not physical item can be downloadedSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_DISPATCH_IMMATERIAL
Send e-mail as delivery confirmation including an attached invoice.Delivery confirmation including attached invoiceSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_DISPATCH_INVOICE
CloseReturnQueueSend e-mail as cancellation confirmation.CancellationSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_CAN
Send e-mail as recall confirmation.Recall mailSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RCL
Send e-mail in case of inversion, i.e., wrong shipping address.Inversion mailSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_INV
Send e-mail on general return.Return to senderSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RET
Send e-mail in case of defects.Return of defect itemsSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_DEF
Send e-mail as cancellation on customer demand.Cancellation on customer demandSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RCL010
Send e-mail as cancellation due to end of life (EOL).Cancellation due to end of life (EOL)SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RCL020
Send e-mail as cancellation due to missing stock.Cancellation due to missing stockSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RCL021
Send e-mail if payment not received.Payment not receivedSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RCL045
Send e-mail as cancellation due to suspicion of defraud.Cancellation due to suspicion of defraudSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RCL980
Send e-mail if return including an attached credit note.
Return mail including an attached credit note

Send e-mail if return in case of cancelation.SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_CAN_CREDITNOTE
Send e-mail if return in case of recall.SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RCL_CREDITNOTE
Send e-mail if return in case of inverse.SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_INV_CREDITNOTE
Send e-mail if return in case of return.SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RET_CREDITNOTE
Send e-mail if return in case of defect.SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_DEF_CREDITNOTE
Send e-mail if return in case of cancelation by customer request.SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RCL010_CREDITNOTE
Send e-mail if return in case of cancelation by shop because of EOL.SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RCL020_CREDITNOTE
Send e-mail if return in case of missing payment.SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RCL045_CREDITNOTE
Send e-mail if return in case of cancelation due to suspected fraud.SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RCL980_CREDITNOTE
Send e-mail if return in case of cancelation due to missing inventory.SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_RCL021_CREDITNOTE
Send e-mail if return was rejected.Return rejectedSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_REJECTED
Send e-mail if refund for return was done.Return refundedSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_RETURN_REFUNDED
CloseInvoicingQueueSend e-mail including an invoice.InvoiceSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_INVOICE
Send e-mail including a credit note.Credit noteSEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_CREDITNOTE


This kind of e-mail is triggered by a quartz-job after a time interval
configured at ShopDO.amountDaysForPaymentReminderMailOfPrepaidOrders.

It must not be registered as an event.

Send e-mail as a payment reminder.

Payment reminder



This kind of e-mail is triggered by user interaction in the OMT and must not register as an event.

Send e-mail with an attached return label document.


Default Email Templates

IOM comes with an initial set of customer mail templates that can be used as a blueprint for customization. See var/templates/mails_customers/*.vm to inspect the templates.

The following table lists all initial templates. Each mail requires a template for subject and a template for the message content.

Exemplary Business EventUsed Template
SubjectMessage Content
A credit note was created.creditNoteSubject.vmcreditNoteMessage.vm
An order has been shipped.dispatchSubject.vmdispatchMessage.vm
A download for a non-physical item is available.immaterialDispatchSubject.vmimmaterialDispatchMessage.vm
The invoice for an order was created.invoiceSubject.vminvoiceMessage.vm
An order has been received initially.orderSubject.vmorderMessage.vm
Reminder of an open payment.paymentReminderSubject.vmpaymentReminderMessage.vm
Confirmation of an order after a successful assignment of a supplier.responseSubject.vmresponseMessage.vm
Sending of an e-mail on demand that contains a return label.returnLabelSubject.vmreturnLabelMessage.vm
An order was canceled by the customer.returnSubject_can_rcl.vmreturnMessage_can_rcl.vm
An order was canceled by the shop because items are not deliverable.returnSubject_rcl020mail.vmreturnMessage_rcl020mail.vm
A return from the customer has been received.returnSubject_ret_def_inv.vmreturnMessage_ret_def_inv.vm
A return announcement has been created, accepted or rejected.returnAnnouncementSubject.vmreturnAnnouncementMessage.vm

Custom Templates

All customer mail templates are hosted in the folder $OMS_HOME/var/templates/mails_customers/ of the backend server.

Refer to Guide - IOM Shop Onboarding for information about $OMS_HOME.


Generally Available Template Data

Class Diagram - userMailLO

To print information into the templates a predefined object UserMailLO is available. UserMailLO offers a large set of information depending on the type of e-mail that should be sent, e.g., invoice information in case of an invoice mail or dispatch information in case of a dispatch e-mail. The following table represents the mapping of data that can be accessed from UserMailLO within the template depending on an exemplary business event/ used object class.


Compared to the templates listed above, please note that some objects of the following table can be used multiple times - in more than one template.

Exemplary Business EventJava Class
An order was received.ShopUserMailOrderLO
An invoice was created after receiving an order or after a dispatch was processed.ShopUserMailInvoicingLO
A response to fulfill an order from the supplier was received.ShopUserMailResponseLO
A dispatch has been processed.ShopUserMailDispatchLO
A return of items was noted, i.e., by a supplier or warehouse.ShopUserMailReturnLO
A return request was accepted.ShopUserMailReturnAnnouncementLO


The diagram is showing the last version and only major classes to get an impression. For details please use the attached JavaDoc.

Java Classes

Please inspect the attached JavaDoc for all data that can be used.

Configuration Parameters


ProcessDefDO defines a set of business processes that are available within the IOM by default. As described in Concept - IOM Customer E-Mails, the business processes can be customized by using the listed processes as an extension point. Also see Cookbook - IOM Customer Emails. Please refer to the database documentation for more details.


ObjectTypeDefDO contains a list of types of business objects that are available in the IOM. Please refer to the database documentation for more details.

Decision Beans

A decision bean is a filter that reflects whether an action should be processed or not. The major parameter is a business object like an order, a dispatch or a return. The methods of the bean can check simple facts like existing e-mail addresses but also complex facts. A default decision bean - SendEmailDeciderBean - is available. For implementing a custom decision bean please see Reference - IOM Database Documentation.

TransmissionTypeDefDO, MessageTypeDefDO and RoleDefDO

TransmissionTypeDefDO contains a list of types of transmission objects that are available in the IOM. TransmissionTypeDefDO represents the requests and content for an external communication and partially a subset of configuration. The message types reflecting the transmission within the order log. RoleDefDO contains a list of different message receivers which are predefined for each type of TransmissionTypeDefDO.  All transmission types prefixed with SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_ of TransmissionTypeDefDO can be used.

Please refer to the database documentation for more details.

Execution Bean Keys

The final sending requires a configuration that maps sender e-mail address, templates and more key parameters to a communication partner.  All transmission types use with prefix SEND_CUSTOMER_MAIL_* of TransmissionTypeDefDO can be used. Please see the databse documentation for all transmission types (TransmissionTypeDefDO) that are supported by the application by default.

Also see Database Relations to figure out the relations.

The following keys are available - some of them are mandatory:

ID of KeyDescriptionRequiredExemplary Value

Execution Bean

shopEmailAddress1200Address of the related shop that shoul be used in the e-mail.trueinfo@myShop.comshopCustomerMailSenderBean

shopEmailSenderName1201 Name of the related shop that should be used in the e-mail.falseMy Shop
bccEmailAddress1202Blind copy address.false 
defaultReceiverAddress1203 Default reciever of the e-mail if not given.false 
subjectTemplate1204 Template to be used for the e-mail subject.trueorderSubject.vm
messageTemplate1205 Template to be used for the e-mail body.trueorderMessage.vm
plainTextMessageTemplate1206 Template to be used for the plain text version next to the e-mail body.falseorderMessage_plainText.vm
mimeType1206 Mime type of the e-mail.falsetext/html
attachmentFilename1207Name of an attached file.falseyourOrder_01234.pdf

Database Relations

The following diagram is an excerpt of database entities that shows the relations of the configurations which are used to enable the sending of e-mails. Also see Configuration of E-mail Sending for more details about configuration and Reference - IOM Database Documentation.

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