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Intershop Progressive Web App
Concept - Intershop Progressive Web App - Localization

Intershop Progressive Web App uses the internationalization library ngx-translate for localization.
In addition the dependency to Angular's internationalization tools (i18n) is needed as a dependency for ng-bootstrap.

For more information refer to:

Usage Examples

Although ngx-translate provides pipe and directive to localize texts, we want to use a pipe-only approach.

Localization of Simple Text

To localize simple texts, just apply the translate pipe to the key:


{ ...
  "header.wishlists.text": "Wishlist",


<span>{{ 'header.wishlists.text' | translate }}</span>

Localization with Parameters

ngx-translate uses named parameters.
A map of parameters can be supplied as input to the translate pipe.

Localization file:


{ ...
  "product.items.label": "{{0}} list items"

Parameter setting in HTML:


<div>{{ 'product.items.label' | translate:{'0': '8'} }}</div>

Parameter setting in component and usage in HTML:

* .component.ts

export class Component {
  param = '8';


<div>{{ 'product.items.label' | translate:{'0': param} }}</div>

Localization with Pluralization

The PWA uses an ICU Message Format inspired way of supporting pluralization in translation keys.

In addition to using pluralization for specific numbers, the Intershop PWA supports the following pluralization cases: zero, one, two, few, many and other.
You can use these cases in your pluralizable translation definitions like this:

"shopping_cart.ministatus.items.text": "{{0, plural, one{# item} other{# items}}}",

Refer to this explanation if you want to learn more about pluralization rules and why they are necessary for inclusive, multi-language applications.

Have a look at the spec for PWATranslateCompiler for an overview of supported methods.


Translations with large values (> 1000 characters) will not be compiled to improve performance. We recommend using CMS components instead. If you really need to increase this limit, adapt the MAX_COMPILATION_LENGTH variable of PWATranslateCompiler.

Localization with Formatted Dates

The date pipe is used as formatter in texts with dates.

Localization file:


{ ...
  "quote.edit.submitted.your_quote_expired.text": "Your quote expired at {{0}} {{1}}.",

Date pipe as formatter in HTML:


<span class="text-danger"
  >{{ 'quote.edit.submitted.your_quote_expired.text' | translate : { '0': quote['validToDate'] | ishDate: 'shortDate',
  '1': quote['validToDate'] | ishDate: 'mediumTime' } }}</span

Localization of Text with HTML Tags

To skip the cleansing of the translated text (i.e., to insert HTML), the innerHTML binding has to be used.

Localization file:


{ ...
  "common.header.contact_no.text": "<small>1300</small>  032 032",

Usage in HTML:


<span [innerHTML]="'common.header.contact_no.text' | translate"></span>


Be aware to HTML encode possibly malicious HTML code since the [innerHTML] value will not automatically be sanitized.
This is especially important if non validated user input is rendered directly.
To HTML encode content we provide the htmlEncode pipe.

example: <p [innerHTML]="'search.noResult.message' | translate : { '0': searchTerm | htmlEncode }"></p>

Localization in the component(.ts) File

If you want to get the translation for a key within a component file, you have to:

  • Inject TranslateService in the component
  • Use the get or the instant method of the translation service, e.g., translate.get('ID')
  • Use subscribe to assign the translation to the data array if you use the get method


export class ProductTileComponent {
  private destroyRef = inject(DestroyRef);
  constructor(protected translate: TranslateService) {}
  toggleCompare() {
      .get('compare.message.add.text', { 0: })
      .subscribe((message: string) => {

See also: How to translate words in the component(.ts) file?

Localization of Text with HTML-Anchors (Links) & OnClickHandlers (Callback-Functions)

Translated texts can contain html-anchors (e.g. link to external page or internal route) or onclick handlers.

Here we need the ServerHtmlDirective.
Pass the translated text and optional callbacks into ishServerHtml-directive.

To open a modalDialog by click use the callback-handler (1st anchor in example).

Links with internal route-target will routed by angular (2nd anchor in example).

Links with external target will navigate by browser (3rd anchor in example).

Localization file:


{ ...
  "registration.tac_privacy_policy.label": "I agree to the <a callback=\"callbackTAC\">Terms & Conditions</a>. <a href=\"/home\">Home</a> <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">Google</a>"

Usage in View (.html):


  [ishServerHtml]="'registration.tac_privacy_policy.label' | translate"
    callbackTAC: showModalDialog(modalDialogTAC)

<ish-modal-dialog #modalDialogTAC>
  <!-- modal content -->

Usage in ViewModel (.ts)


/* attention: generate callback-function with closure */
showModalDialog(dialog) {
  return () => {;

Localization Files Generation

The idea is to use the existing localization properties files of the current Responsive Starter Store cartridges (or the localization files of a project) and convert them into the proper JSON files that can be used by ngx-translate.
For this purpose a Standalone Java application was implemented that can handle this conversion process.

In the current state of the Intershop Progressive Web App, the converted localization properties from a_responsive (without app_sf_responsive_b2b and app_sf_responsive_costcenter) were added and should be used within the HTML templates.

ICM Localization Management

In case you want to change translation values without redeploying the PWA, it is possible to override the local .json files via ICM localization backoffice page.
Therefore generate .xliff files and upload them to ICM for further import processing.
Here is how:

  1. Use the npm run xliff command to convert all localization files into separate .xliff files. The result is placed in src/assets/xliff.
  2. Upload and import each .xliff file to ICM. Please mind below warning to select the correct application type and target locale.
  3. Refer to Localization Management in the ICM online help for further details.


Make sure to select the correct application type for which you want to import generated XLIFF data.
This has to fit to your PWA environment.


The generated .xliff files prefix translation keys with pwa-.
This allows to enable easy filtering.
The prefixes will be removed when the translations are loaded into the PWA.

External Localization Sources

The Intershop PWA presents no native way to use a different external source for loading translations in JSON format.
The pull request feat: allow translations to be loaded from an external source presents a way how such an external service could be integrated and configured in the Intershop PWA.

Localization File Clean Up Process

Localization files require constant maintenance to keep them up to date.
They should not contain any localizations that are no longer required by the project sources or functionality.
The PWA project provides a script that helps to keep the localization files clean.
The script is saved under scripts/clean-up-localizations.js and can be run with npm run clean-localizations.

The script removes all unused localization keys from the default localization file src/assets/i18n/en_US.json and sorts the remaining keys.
In a second step it generates localization files for the other available language files under src/assets/i18n by using the localization keys found for the default language.
Localization keys that are not available in these files - meaning they have no translation - are logged.

Not explicitly used localization keys, such as dynamic created keys or error keys from REST calls, are handled separately.
Their patterns are searched in all the localization keys of the default localization file and all matches will be included in the new cleaned up file.

Global patterns can be added to the clean-up-localizations script;

const regExps = [/.*\.error.*/i];

Localization patterns can also be defined where they are used.
Add a comment with the keyword keep-localization-pattern: to the code to register a specific pattern for preservation.


// keep-localization-pattern: ^account\.costcenter\.budget\.period\.value.*


<!-- keep-localization-pattern: ^account\.login\..*\.message$ -->

The clean up script is integrated in the full check run (npm run check) and will also be performed in continuous integration on the whole code base.

The cleanup script also supports a build argument: npm run clean-localizations --build.
When supplied, an Angular build with source maps is performed to limit the project to sources that are actually used before performing a cleanup.
With this, project customizations can clean-up keys from features that are not required in the project.

Extend Locales

To learn how languages other than English, German and French can be used in the progressive web app, see Configuration - Extend Localization.

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