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Reference - Newsletter (Subscription) REST API 1.0.0
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This API specification is available for download as an Open API 3.0 YAML file: 


The following page lists available REST APIs for ICM 7.10 and their version dependencies:

API Specification

OpenAPI Version: 3.0.1
Newsletter Subscription (E-Mail Marketing) Version: 1.0.0

The Intershop Newsletter Subscription API contains operations that allow to retrieve, delete and update e-mail marketing subscription information of a recipient.

Subscription (E-Mail Marketing) API

The following operations for managing e-mail marketing subscriptions are available:

POST: Subscribes a recipient


This operation subscribes a recipient (represented by an e-mail address in the request body) to the e-mail marketing provider specified for the application.

Java Method


Request Body

SubscriptionRO application/json

Request Parameters



201 - Created - The user was successfully subscribed.

400 - Bad Request - The recipient is empty or invalid.
Possible values for header error-key:
- subscriptions.recipient.invalid.error
- subscriptions.recipient.missing.error

404 - Not Found - Currently there is no provider for subscription handling available.
Possible values for header error-key:
- subscriptions.provider_not_found.error

409 - Conflict - The recipient is already subscribed.
Possible values for header error-key:
- subscriptions.recipient.missing.error

500 - Internal Server Error - An error occured during user mail lookup or while converting data.
Possible values for header error-key:
- subscriptions.external_service.error

GET: Returns subscription status for given recipient


This operation returns the subscription status of a given recipient based on the account data.
Only users with an account can access their subscription status using this REST resource.

This URI can only be accessed with an authentication header. If a valid e-mail address is used as sub resource name, e. g., /subscriptions/, this e-mail address is checked for subscription entries in the subscription's provider.

If the sub resource is "-", e. g., /subscriptions/-, then the e-mail address of the authenticated user is applied.

The response status codes will be 200 OK, if the recipient is subscribed, or 404 Not Found, if they are not.

This resource depends on back office configuration for e-mail marketing provider. If no such provider is configured, it will respond with 404 Not Found.

Java Method


Request Body


Request Parameters

in pathSubscriptionResourceKeystringd.weiers@test.intershop.deRequired | The recipient's e-mail address or "-" for an authenticated user


200 - OK - The subscription for the given user.

SubscriptionRO application/json

404 - Not Found - The user is not subscribed.
Possible values for header error-key:
- subscriptions.subscription_not_found.error

500 - Internal Server Error - An error occured during user mail lookup.
Possible values for header error-key:
- subscriptions.external_service.error

DELETE: Unsubscribes recipient from e-mail provider


This operation unsubscribes a recipient from an e-mail provider based on the account data.
Users without an account must use the provided contact information to unsubscribe.

This URI can only be accessed with an authentication header. If a valid e-mail address is used as sub resource name, e. g., /subscriptions/, this e-mail address is checked for subscription entries in the subscription's provider.

If the sub resource is "-", e. g., /subscriptions/-, then the e-mail address of the authenticated user is applied.

The response status codes will be 200 OK, if the recipient is subscribed, or 404 Not Found, if they are not.

This resource depends on back office configuration for e-mail marketing provider. If no such provider is configured, it will respond with 404 Not Found.

Java Method

public void

Request Body


Request Parameters

in pathSubscriptionResourceKeystringd.weiers@test.intershop.deRequired | The recipient's e-mail address or "-" for an authenticated user


204 - No Content - The user was successfully unsubscribed.

404 - Not Found - The user is not subscribed.
Possible values for header error-key:
- subscriptions.subscription_not_found.error

500 - Internal Server Error - An error occured during user mail lookup.
Possible values for header error-key:
- subscriptions.external_service.error

Request and Response Object Schemata
SubscriptionRO application/json{
  • "name":
    The name of an element
  • "type":
    The type of the element. This is normally a constant that can be used to differentiate elements by their type. | Example: Subscription
  • "active":
    A boolean value indicating whether the subscription is active | Example: true
  • "recipient":
    The recipient of the newsletter | Example:
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