Taxes are an essential element of an order. This concept describes selected aspects of taxes in Intershop Order Management. The target audience are consultants and developers.
Term | Description |
IOM | The abbreviation for Intershop Order Management |
Taxes are an essential element of an order. In addition to static configurations, IOM also supports variable tax rates and tax location rules at order creation. This is required for several markets, e.g. in the EU (see VAT in European Commission | Buying goods online coming from within the European Union) or US, where rules can be complex and can change at any time.
This section describes in short how to create orders with the old and the new approach for taxes.
Starting from Reference - IOM REST API - Order 2.2 taxes support a rate
and a location
The following table describes useful combinations that may be submitted on order creation.
# | JSON of Tax-model |
1 | {"taxType": "FullTax", "amount": 20} |
2 | {"taxType": "FullTax", "location": "US/Baltimore", "amount": 20} |
3 | {"taxType": "FullTax", "rate" : 6.5, "amount": 20} |
4 | {"taxType": "carbon dioxide tax", "rate" : 3.75, "amount": 12.3", "location": "USA"} |
If the location is a country, it is recommended to use its ISO-3-code.
The following list of rules describes how the tax will be stored depending on the given data of the REST API and the configuration of the shop.
Depending on the configuration and the available information, either a strict validation of predefined taxes is used or (almost) anything will be accepted.
For Tax-model see the table above.
Tax-model | Rule/ Mapping |
#1 or #2 | Without rate , the tax must be pre-configured in TaxDO , with a valid tie range. Otherwise, the order will be refused. |
#1 or #3 | Without Depending on the configuration, the location will be selected as follows:
#3 or #4 |
If no corresponding entry in |