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ICM 7.10
Reference - Product and Category REST API 1.0.0

This API specification is available for download as an Open API 3.0 YAML file: 


The following page lists available REST APIs for ICM 7.10 and their version dependencies:

API Specification

OpenAPI Version: 3.0.1
Product & Category Version: 1.0.0

Product & Catalog API

Personalized Content

The call can contain customer-segment specific details, e.g. prices.

If the spgid parameter is not provided, the cached version of the call is returned. Use the spgid parameter to retrieve a customer-segment specific version.

For authenticated REST calls, use the spgid parameter in the URL. Otherwise the request will be considered anonymous, even if authentication is provided in the header.

Example: /products;spgid=12345

Use the /personalization call to retrieve the spgid.

Open ReDoc-rendered Open API documentation in separate window.

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